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Reminder. Suburbia BOAF Sat 6 April
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\___ \| | | | '_ \| | | | '__| '_ \| |/ _` |
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|____/ \__,_|_.__/ \__,_|_| |_.__/|_|\__,_|
Birds of a feather
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| |_) / _` | '__| __| | | | |
| __/ (_| | | | |_| |_| |_|
|_| \__,_|_| \__|\__, (_)
Saturday April 6, 1996 (easter weekend)
8:30pm till day light
[email protected]
Melbourne Australia
This is a reminder. There are only three days left to RSVP. If you haven't
received the address yet, then you are not on the list. There is no door fee
(please see the original invite).
Ps. Despite the attention to detail, it will be a very laid back
affair. DO NOT wear a tie. At least, not around your neck, or
someone might attach it to the rafters. Despite the serious
types during the day, we are fully BYO pillow.
"I mean, after all; you have to consider we're only made out of dust. That's
admittedly not much to go on and we shouldn't forget that. But even
considering, I mean it's sort of a bad beginning, we're not doing too bad. So
I personally have faith that even in this lousy situation we're faced with we
can make it. You get me?" - Leo Bulero/PKD
|Julian Assange RSO | PO Box 2031 BARKER | Secret Analytic Guy Union |
|[email protected] | VIC 3122 AUSTRALIA | finger for PGP key hash ID = |
|[email protected] | FAX +61-3-98199066 | 0619737CCC143F6DEA73E27378933690 |