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Re: More visprint stuff

>An alternative would be to supply a distinct name for each octet.  Hashes
>be displayed and verified something like:
>Frog		Lizard		Snake		Tyranosaur
>Cat		Hat		Rat		Chair
>Star		Moon		Sun		Earth
>Lincoln		Washington	Clinton		Kennedy
>Ideally, there would be minimal confusion in the set of images/objects/names
>(to avoid the "is that a Tyranosaur or a Lizard?" type questions.)

Why not create a list of of syllables (256 would work nicely) designed in
such a way that when combined together at random, they would always form a
pronounceable (but otherwise nonsense) word pair?  These words would be
guaranteed to be as unique as the fingerprint, fairly easy to remember, and a
perfect icebreaker at parties.  (Imagine the reaction you would get if you
sidled up to someone and tried "SOBgoFALpinHOGmiDOwop
PORtudeINfoGLOPsabRIvar" as a pickup line.)  The challenge to this approach,
of course, is to come up with 256 reasonably distinct syllables.

Jonathan Wienke

P.S.  AOL's send mail software is a wothless piece of ****.

P.P.S.  These "unsubrscive" pea-brains all need one of those Louis
Freeh-style leather belts with their names embossed on the back in BIG