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Re: So, what crypto legislation (if any) is necessary?

> By now, you've probably seen my comment to Unicorn, that ISP's could easily 
> pool their resources, in a form of insurance, to guarantee that any test 
> case will be fully litigated to ensure that a bad precedent isn't set.  What 
> if it cost a million dollars?  That's only about 5 cents per American 
> Internet user.
> You were saying about "going bankrupt"?

	I urge Mr. Bell to start an ISP insurance company, then.  Let
us see how long it lasts. Perhaps I should put up a web page for the
betting pool we can have.

Sameer Parekh					Voice:   510-601-9777x3
Community ConneXion, Inc.			FAX:     510-601-9734
The Internet Privacy Provider			Dialin:  510-658-6376
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