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PEP Announcement (fwd)

This showed up in my mailbox:

My preferred and soon to be permanent e-mail address:[email protected]
"In fact, had Bancroft not existed,       potestas scientiae in usu est
Franklin might have had to invent him."    in nihilum nil posse reverti
00B9289C28DC0E55  E16D5378B81E1C96 - Finger for Current Key Information

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 00:03:29 -0400
From: Amos Elberg <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: PEP Announcement

Uni, can you forward this to the c-punks for me?

PEP: Pretty Easy Privacy, a set of scripts for OneClick that integrate
Eudora and MacPGP are now available in the latest Button Circle release at:

PEP is designed to provide features similar to the UNiX premail program on
the Macintosh. It handles encryption, decryption, signing, verifying,
anon.penet.fi remailing and cypherpunk remailing.

PEP uses OneClick to place a button bar in Eudora, from which the user can
select privacy functions. Buttons pop-up menus of encryption targets,
signature keys and cypherpunk remailers.

Q: What do I do about the rest of MacPGP's interface?
A: PEP is not designed to replace MacPGP, just to provide easier access to
it from within Eudora. For a full featured MacPGP GUI replacement with
added features, try Raif Naffah's MacPGPControl application.

Q: Isn't the name 'PEP' pretentious and derivative?
A: Yes, I think so too. I couldn't think of a better one. Suggestions are

Q: I have a lot more questions. Where are the answers?
A: In the documentation. If you have any more questions, please direct them
to <mailto:[email protected]>

Amos B. Elberg                       | #include disclaimer.h  Amos will
code for
Wesleyan University                  | food. E-mail me for a resum�. Please.
341 S. Main St. Apt. 3N              |----------------------------------------
Middletown, CT 06459                 | Help keep the net safe from the
Will Code for Food!                  | aesthetically challenged. Please,
Public keys available from the usual | oppose ASCII art.
keyservers, or by request.           |----------------------------------------
PGP fingerprint =  08 B8 87 04 6B 21 08 5D  B0 62 F7 94 7B 42 0F 10

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