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Possible problems caused by Brown death?

	Given that Commerce is the main force within the administration
pushing for freeing up the escrow rules, the below article is of interest.

>   WASHINGTON (Apr 8, 1996 10:48 a.m. EDT) -- When Ron Brown died in a
>   plane crash, American capitalism lost its staunchest ally in the
>   Clinton administration. Now business executives wonder who will
>   champion their cause the next time commercial interests clash with
>   other priorities.

>   With the Cold War over, Brown believed the United States no longer
>   should sacrifice economic interests to other foreign policy goals and
>   he used his close friendship with Clinton to push a business agenda
>   inside the administration.

>   He succeeded in battles with the Defense Department in loosening Cold
>   War-era export controls that American companies had long complained
>   severely limited their ability to sell high-technology products such
>   as computers and telecommunications equipment.
>   Copyright &copy 1996 Nando.net