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Re: RC4 on FPGAs (Was: Bank transactions on Internet)

On 10 Apr 1996, Ian Goldberg wrote:

> Coincidentaly enough, this is part of my project for my Hardware class.
> I'll let you know when I have it working.  I'm using Altera FLEX 81188s,
> though the 10K models (with built-in RAM) would be _way_ faster...

Once someone gets this kind of cracking device ready, I think it would be
nice to make the information freely available, or start selling these for
nominal price.

This would also make an interesting device connected to Internet. In case
of fast device people could use it either for free or pay using ecash for
using it, and crack their SSL sessions. May be Netscape or Microsoft or
someone else (may be even Community Connexion :) lobbying the government
for allowing export of strong encryption could sponsor it. It should not
be so expencive. Much more useful than amazing fish-cam or coke machine on

Juri Kaljundi
[email protected]