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Re: Protocols at the Point of a Gun

Scott Brickner wrote:
>Somebody who might be Marshall Clow wrote:
>>Multiple IP #s, multiple machines, multiple users, ONE account.
>>Which router will insert the "suggested" flag, and how will it decide which
>>packets to tag?
>The way I envision it (in my nightmares), you'd have two options:  have
>the account configured as "kid safe", and live in a cyberspace playground,
>or have it configured as "adult", and accept responsibility for your kids'
I have no problem whatsoever with this.
Guess which option I'd choose :-)

However, given the hysteria that is surrounding the CDA, etc., I think that
the second option would be "politically unacceptable". The whole thrust [
sorry for the sexual imagery ;-) ] behind [ oops, now it's sodomy ] the CDA
is that it's not good enough for parents to take responsibility for their
children's use; the government must be involved.

-- Marshall

Marshall Clow     Aladdin Systems   <mailto:[email protected]>

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