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Re: Protocols at the Point of a Gun

> Multiple IP #s, multiple machines, multiple users, ONE account.
> Which router will insert the "suggested" flag, and how will it decide which
> packets to tag?
> I suspect the people who thought this up haven't thought it through. :-)
> They are confusing "ISP accounts" with "e-mail" addresses, maybe?

Well, this was originally suggested by the CDA supporters, out of the 
mouth of their LAWYER. And, for sure, it's just legal posturing, saying
it's possible, but not understanding the details.

Really, the apropriate place for content filtering is at the application 
layer. It *could* be done at the transport layer, but that's really not 
the place for it.

Analogy: It would be like putting a license plate on the engine of a car. 
It *could* be done that way, if you redesign the car so that the engine
protrudes out from the back with a place for the license plate (let the
technical people handle the technical details of that). But the best place
for a license plate is on the outside body of the car, and the best place
for content filtering is at the application layer. 

All of this, of course, is Just My Humble Opinion.

| Steve Reid - SysAdmin & Pres, EDM Web (http://www.edmweb.com/)    |
| Email: [email protected]   Home Page: http://www.edmweb.com/steve/ |
| PGP Fingerprint: 11 C8 9D 1C D6 72 87 E6  8C 09 EC 52 44 3F 88 30 |
|              -- Disclaimer: JMHO, YMMV, IANAL. --                 |