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DC Cypherpunks meeting report


  The DC Cypherpunks held their monthly meeting on April 13 at the Digex
offices, with about a dozen people attending.  The agenda was light,
with discussion ranging from ISDN in Virginia and Maryland, a security
hole in rlogin, various biometric identification methods and Dorothy
Denning's GPS ID plan.  Carl Ellison gave an overview of Cybercash, and
answered several questions.

  After the meeting, a smaller group adjourned to a local Chinese
restaurant, where most of the discussion focused on getting inexpensive
ISDN or IP connectivity between Baltimore and northern Virigina.

  No meeting date was set for May.


[email protected] (Dan Veeneman)
Cryptography, Security, Privacy BBS  +1 410 730 6734   Data/FAX