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Nym Server Questions and Remailer Suggestion

1. Do the nym servers lie about the times of being sent?
2. Do they automatically latantize messages? I get an very quick response
from a nym server, and a very quick response from the remailer, but a
message to the nym identity (which goes through both) takes a long time

*. For the purpose of mitigating traffic analysis, has anyone considered
creating a "delete-me" redirect, hence I could send a few messages to a nym
server that I know won't go anywhere, but I can hide my traffic in that
stream. Also, nym servers could ping each other and send delete-me redirects
admist all the jumble of the normal redirects. An easy solution is to send
incorrectly encrypted messages which are thrown away regardless.
Regards,            I am a creationist; I refuse to believe that I could have
                    evolved from humans.
Joseph  Reagle      http://farnsworth.mit.edu/~reagle/home.html
[email protected]      E0 D5 B2 05 B6 12 DA 65  BE 4D E3 C1 6A 66 25 4E