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(Privacy) Stop unwanted email

>From: '[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
>To: "Jack M. Spiegel" <[email protected]>"
>Subject: Stop unwanted email
>Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 20:47:45 -0700
>Encoding: 43 TEXT
>4-20-96  9321
>Hi  [email protected]:
>Your name was on a list that I bought. It was advertised as a "clean list" 
>of people who do not object to getting junk email. After sending a few 
>hundred, I realized the list was not "clean" and decided to create a place 
>on the net where people can register not to get junk email. In the future, 
>I will offer to clean other lists that other commercial mailers are 

        Huh, can I ask who you purchased this list from and how much was my
privacy bought/sold for? (I might have sold it cheaper! <grin>)

>You can log onto my web site http://www.directnet.com/~spiegel, and 
>register not to be on the list. There are no graphics on the web page, its 
>just a form, so it won't take long to load.  All you need to leave is your 
>email address  (the rest, even your name is optional) and press submit.
>Before you get upset, think about it, you are already on some kind of list, 
>because I have your address. Registering at my web site will only take you 
>off the list. There is no advertising on the page, there is no money being 
>made by this.
>I will take your name off of this list and off any other list that  other 
>mailers submit. I will not give your name or address out to anyone else.
>I know that some people don't have browsers and only have mail access. If 
>you are among that group, please send email to me at  [email protected] and be 
>sure to put your email address in the subject field and nothing in the body 
>of the letter.
>By the way, if you get junk mail, refer them to my web site as well and by 
>all means, tell your friends to register.
>Maybe this will help.
>Oh, and if you don't care about junk mail, you don't have to do a thing!
>Thank you
>Jack Spiegel
Regards,            I am a creationist; I refuse to believe that I could have
                    evolved from humans.
Joseph  Reagle      http://farnsworth.mit.edu/~reagle/home.html
[email protected]      E0 D5 B2 05 B6 12 DA 65  BE 4D E3 C1 6A 66 25 4E