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Security Management, published by the American Society for
Industrial Security, has two articles on computer security
in its April, 1996, issue:
"Legal Lessons in the Computer Age," by Mark D. Rasch,
J.D., director of information security law and policy with
SAIC, and former DoJ prosecutor of Robert Tappan Morris. A
tabloid on tabloiding computer crime to hacker-phobics.
This snapshot of current law and court rulings gives
security professionals a glimpse into the evolving legal
landscape that companies must be prepared to negotiate
when pursuing those who might attempt to steal or damage
computerized systems or information. (30kb)
"E-Mail Policy By the Letter," by Fred L. Trickey, an
information security officer at Columbia University. An
account of good e-mail policies and procedures, with
salient references, and a sidebar on E-mail gawking.
GAW_ker (for both)
For info on security management see: