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Scientology's fishing expedition mentions remailers
Biased Journalism [via fight-censroship list] is reporting that Keith
Henson received a Demand For The Production Of Documents and Things from
counsel for the Religious Technology Center [RTC], an arm of the church of
Among the documents to be produced by Mr. Henson:
Demand 14. Any and all documents relating to postings of Advanced
Technology materials, including, but not limited to, actual postings
or discussions of such postings, whether actual or planned, made
through the following servers:
a. freezone.remailer
b. nately.ucsd.edu
C. penet.fi
d. replay.comm
e. utopia.backtic.nl
Demand 19. Any and all documents relating to communications with
the following individuals relating to the Advanced Technology:
a. Alex Dejoode
b. Dennis Erlich
c. Steven Fishman
d. Mike Godwin
e. Johan Helsingius
f. Jeff Jacobsen
g. Tom Klemesrud
h. Arnaldo Lerma
i. Dierdre Malloy
j. Peter Mante
k. Ron Neuman
l. Robert Penny
m. Felipe Rodriquez
n. Karin Spaink
o. Shari Steele
p. Shelly Thomson
q. David Touretzky
r. Grady Ward
s. Lawrence Wollersheim
Demand 20. Any and all documents relating to postings made
through the following servers:
a. freezone.remailer
b. nately.ucsd.edu
c. penet.fi
d. replay.comm
e. utopia.hacktic.nI