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A better entropy estimation method for random.c/noise.sys?
I've been hacking with the hashing method used in noise.sys and
decided to throw it away, since it did more to overestimate the
Until I find something better an xor-checksum of the ast N samples
seems to do fine. Alternating samples generate no entropy and samples
with periods <= N seem to generate less than 1 bit per sample.
The method (in pseudo-code) is as follows:
delta = abs( LastSample - sample )
LastSample = sample
hash ^= delta /* until I can think of a better hashing algorithm */
swap delta, lastNtable[ indexNtable ]
indexNtable = (indexNtable+1) mod N
hash ^= delta
t = counter /* counts the number of samples so far */
swap t, lastseen[ hash & (TABLESIZE-1) ]
diff = lastseen[ hash & (TABLESIZE-1) ] - t
if diff<=N, assume no entropy (or fractional entropy?)
otherwise return log2(diff)
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