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[NOISE]: Test, please ignore.

Just bouncing a message off the server in the hopes that cypherpunks
messages begin to flow again...

(define(RSA m e n)(list->string(u(r(s(string->list m))e n))))(define(u a)(if(>
a 0)(cons(integer->char(modulo a 256))(u(quotient a 256)))'()))(define(s a)(if
(null? a)0(+(char->integer(car a))(* 256(s(cdr a))))))(define(r a x n)(cond((=
0 x)1)((even? x)(modulo(expt(r a(/ x 2)n)2)n))(#t(modulo(* a(r a(1- x)n))n))))