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Re: Nazis on the Net
From: [email protected] (tallpaul)
>Since E.A. Smith wants completeness re the Zundelsite issue, I am curious
>about his assertion about Weaver.
>Might we know the source of his complete info on Weaver's political and
>racial beliefs.
>I see, in essence, three hypothesis:
>1) Cover the ass of a potential neo-Nazi or racist (or both) without any
>reference to what is really true;
>2) Get information from outer space;
>3) Base the conclusion on hard evidence.
>If the answer is 3) I'd like to get a real pointer to the real evidence. By
>real evidence I mean just that, not wishful thinking or advertising jingles
>for points 1) or 2).
Hmm... good question. I've seen various quotes from Randy Weaver in
various publications, including Time and other non-right-wing ones. None of
them indicated him as an actual neo-Nazi or racist, even in the stories (such
as in Time) which appeared to assume that militia member = neo-Nazi (quite
incorrect, from what I know of the subject. For instance, the most
anti-government of the gun-rights organizations, which appears to have quite a
few militia members, is Jews for Firearms Ownership. The founders of the
organization in question believe that gun rights are necessary to prevent
another Holocaust. Other gun-rights political organizations concentrate on
self-defense from non-governmental criminals). I don't know when I'll have
the time to check on the matter.
>PS: Cypherpunks seems to be getting very wiggy these days.
Most mailing lists do on a regular basis... my (passing) scans of the
archives indicate that cypherpunks is prone to this.