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Re: An idea for refining penet-style anonymous servers

In article <[email protected]>,
Alan Bostick <[email protected]> wrote:
>My scheme is the design of the address database.  It consists of two
>hash tables, one for sending messages (which maps anonymous IDs onto
>sender's addresses), and one for receiving them (mapping recipient's
>addresses onto anonymous IDs).  A cryptographically secure hash (say,
>MD5) is used for the index of both tables.
>The index of the sending message table is the MD5 hash of the sender's
>address.  The table entry the index points to is the sender's anonymous
>ID, encrypted by a symmetric algorithm (maybe IDEA).  The encryption key
>would be a different hash, by another algorithm (let's suppose it's
>SHA), of that same address.
>In forwarding a message, the server MD5-hashes the sender's address and
>looks at the table.  If it doesn't find a corresponding entry, it
>creates one.  If it *does* find an entry, it SHA-hashes the sender's
>address and uses this key to decrypt the anonymous ID.  In the unlikely
>event of collision the decrypted ID will be gibberish and the server
>does something sensible (like appending padding to the address and
>trying again).  The header information is filtered and the anonymous ID
>inserted in the From: line. 
>The receiving message hash table is designed similarly, in reverse.  The
>index of the hash table is the MD5 hash of the anonymous ID; the entry
>in the table is the recipient's email address, encrypted with the SHA
>hash of the anonymous ID.  When a message comes in, the anon ID is
>hashed and looked up in the table.  If  nothing is found, the message is
>bounced. If an entry is found, the anon ID is SHA hashed and the table
>entry decrypted.  If it is gibberish, a collision has taken place and
>handled appropriately.  The message is then forwarded to its intended
>What all this accomplishes is to obscure more information from attackers
>and from honest operators.  In the event of abuse it is a simple matter
>to find out who the abusers are and block them out.  If the operator is
>subject to subpoena, anyone named in the subpoena can be easily
>identified . . . *but nobody else can!*  Authorities cannot use a search
>for one identity as an excuse for a fishing expedition in the address
>(Obscuring information from honest operators can protect the operator
>when questions of liability or even conspiracy come up.)
>There is a way that attackers who have seized or copied the database can
>search it - by trying it out on anonymous IDs, or user addresses, until
>they hit paydirt.  And of course such an anonymous server can be no more
>trustworthy than its operator; and the fundamental security limitations of
>the penet-style anonymous server are well-understood.
>So what do people think of this scheme of mine?  Are there drawbacks or
>weaknesses that I'm not seeing?  Is it a good idea?  I'd really like it
>if *something* good came out of being laid up with the flu. 

This sounds a bit like the scheme mentioned in AC2, pp73-74.
Check it out (and its reference, if you have time...).

   - Ian