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Re: Book: The President's Eyes Only

On Sun, 28 Apr 1996, rick hoselton wrote:

> The crypto-game is being played "for keeps".  Someday, all crypto 
> may be too strong to break, but for right now, many "bad guys" 
> (and whatever your philosophy, I bet you can find some) use weak 
> crypto, and this allows the US Govt. to know more about what goes 

But then, most of these tend to be either governments far more vulnerable
to citizen crypto than USG or organized crime groups (the results
of black markets, and guess who makes them black?). And terrorists a la 
Hezb'Allah or the IRA are just mafias that do high-impact marketing.

[Sorry to give the standard doctrinaire canned response, but then it's the 
standard unconvincing threat.]

> on in the world.  As long as Uncle Sam keeps his finger on a nuclear 
> trigger, I can see a strong case that knowing what he's doing and
> not getting too surprised are (mostly) good things.

Do you mean him knowing what he's doing or us knowing? ;-)

Thanks for the book reference. I'll go grab it.