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Re: arbiter/escrow agent for hire

From:	IN%"[email protected]"  "Black Unicorn" 28-APR-1996 20:43:07.41
>My key is available on the keyservers, as far as I know.

>Sandy Sandfort, for one, has spoken with me extensively and his signature
>is on my key.  If you like, I suggest you ask him as to his view of my

	My information would appear to be out of date; I was getting it from
one of the web-of-trust studies which stated that your new key was not
signed by anything except itself. Sorry.

>Note, this hardly assures you that I'm not several people working
>together, merely that this nym is connected to at least one person who
>posts on cypherpunks regularly and has had a presence here since just
>after the lists foundation.

	It would admittedly help if your messages were signed also; this would
provide somewhat of an additional confirmation. However, I very well understand
that this is not always possible/practical; note that I don't have a key yet.