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- To: [email protected]
- From: [email protected] (Anonymous)
- Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 09:55:14 +0200 (MET DST)
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- Organization: Hack-Tic International, Inc.
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Fm: Swedish Chef <[email protected]>
Essesseeneshun Puleetics Pert 6
A freqooent ineetiel beleeeff emung peuple-a vhu hefe-a recently heerd ooff my
"essesseeneshun puleetics" idea is zee feer thet thees system veell sumehoo
be-a "oooot ooff cuntrul": It vuoold ind up cooseeng zee deet ooff oordeenery,
"undeserfeeng" peuple-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
Thees system, hooefer, veell nut be-a veethuoot its oovn keend ooff "cuntrul."
Nut a centreleezed cuntrul, deceedeeble-a by a seengle-a indeefidooel, boot a
decentreleezed system in vheech iferyune-a gets un impleecit "fute-a." A guud
unelugy meeght be-a tu cunseeder a suceeety in vheech iferyune's huoose-a
zeermustet is cuntrulled tu ooperete-a et a temperetoore-a vheech is set fur
zee inture-a cuoontry. Iech persun's cuntrul inpoot is tekee es a "fute-a,"
vhezeer tu get hutter, culder, oor tu stey zee seme-a temperetoore-a. Zee
centrel cuntrul cumpooter edjoosts zee neshunel setpueent temperetoore-a in
oorder tu iqooeleeze-a zee noomber ooff peuple-a vhu vunt zee temperetoore-a culder
und hutter. Iech huoose-a is et zee seme-a, neshunelly-set temperetoore-a,
hooefer. Cleerly, nu oone-a indeefidooel is in cuntrul ooff zee setteeng.
Bork Bork Bork!
Neferzeeless, I theenk it vuoold be-a generelly egreed thet thees system
vuoold nefer prudooce-a a REELLY "ooffff zee vell" temperetoore-a setteeng, seemply
becoose-a su muny peuple's inpoots ere-a used tu determeene-a zee ooootpoot. Soore-a,
iff a gruoop ooff 10,000 keeds deceeded (esseested by zee Internet) tugezeer
tu scroo veet zee system, und zeey ell set zeeur huooses' zeermustet
inpoots tu "hutter," zeey cuoold SLIGHTLY increese-a zee ooferell setteeng,
boot seence-a zeere-a ere-a prubebly ebuoot 100 meelliun seperete-a dvelleengs in zee
US, zeeur feeddlings veell be-a drooned oooot by zee fest mejureety ooff zee
pupooleshun's desures. Is thees system "oooot ooff cuntrul"? Trooe-a, it is oooot
ooff zee "cuntrul" ooff uny seengle-a indeefidooel, boot neferzeeless it is vell
veethin zee cuntrul ooff zee pupooleshun es a vhule-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
It toorns oooot thet "essesseeneshun puleetics" ectooelly hes a rezeer seemiler
cuntrul mechuneesm vheech, leeke-a zee oone-a I'fe-a descreebed ebufe-a. Furst, I'fe-a
pueented oooot thet iff I vere-a tu ooperete-a a centreleezed system sooch es thees,
I'd oonly eccept duneshuns nemeeng peuple-a vhu ere-a in feeuleshun ooff zee
"Nun-Ineetieshun Ooff Furce-a Preenciple-a" (NIOFP), vell knoon tu leeberteriuns.
Bork Bork Bork!
By thees stunderd, gufernment impluyees (vhu hefe-a eccepted peychecks peeed
fur veet foonds stulee frum ceetizenry by texes) und creeminels vhuse-a
creemes ectooelly hed a feectim vuoold be-a inclooded. Let's cell thees
hypuzeeteecel oorguneezeshun "Oorguneezeshun A," oor OorgA fur shurt.
Bork Bork Bork!
Trooe-a, sumebudy ilse-a meeght be-a a leettle-a less scroopooluoos, eccepteeng
duneshuns fur zee termeeneshun ooff ENYBODY regerdless ooff vhezeer he-a
"deserfes" hees fete-a. (Hypuzeeteecelly, let's cell zeem, "Oorguneezeshun B,"
oor OorgB, fur shurt.) Hooefer, I sooggest thet iff it vere-a ixpleeened tu
must putenteeel dunurs (vhu, I sooggest, vuoold hefe-a "typeecel" lefels ooff
scrooples) thet iff he-a petruneezes OorgB, hees interests vuooldn't be-a
prutected. Fur ixemple-a, OorgB (iff it soorfeefes und threefes) meeght leter
cume-a beck tu terget HIM, becoose-a ooff sume-a oozeer dunur. OorgA vuoold nut.
Bork Bork Bork!
Netoorelly, oooor "itheecel" dunur duesn't vunt thees, su he-a vuoold chuuse-a tu
geefe-a hees duneshun tu zee must "itheecel" oorguneezeshun vhu veell eccept it.
Bork Bork Bork!
Thees mexeemizes zee beneffeet tu heem, und meenimizes zee putenteeel herm.
Bork Bork Bork!
Seence-a BOTH oorguneezeshuns veell eccept duneshuns fur "deserfeeng" feectims,
vheele-a oonly OorgB veell eccept zeem fur "joost unybudy," it is reesuneble-a tu
cuncloode-a thet (cepeetelism beeeng vhet it is) OorgB's retes (zee percentege-a
ooff zee preece-a it keeps es pruffeet) cun be-a und veell be-a heegher fur its
duneshuns. (thet's becoose-a zeere-a is less cumpeteeshun in its erea ooff
speceeelizeshun.) Thoos, it vuoold be-a mure-a icunumeecel tu terget
"deserfeeng" peuple-a thruoogh OorgA , und thoos dunurs veell be-a drevn tu it.
Bork Bork Bork!
In eddeeshun, OorgA veell becume-a lerger, mure-a credeeble-a, beleeefeeble-a und
troostvurthy, und mure-a putenteeel "gooessurs" (essesseens?) veell "vurk" its
system, und fur looer eferege-a putenteeel peyments. (ell ilse-a beeeng
iqooel.) Ifee su, und iruneecelly, zee eferege-a duneshun lefel fur peuple-a
leested by OorgA vuoold leekely be-a heegher, seence-a (iff ve-a essoome-a zeese-a ere-a
"deserfeeng" peuple-a) mure-a peuple-a veell be-a cuntreebooting tooerds zeeur
Bork Bork Bork!
Effter ell, iff a putenteeel dunur vunts tu "heet" sume-a gufernment beegvig,
zeere-a veell be-a PLENTY ooff oozeer dunurs tu shere-a zee cust veet. Meelliuns
ooff duneshuns ooff $1 tu $10 iech vuoold be-a cummun und qooeete-a icunumeecel. Oon
zee oozeer hund, iff yuoo joost selected a terget oooot ooff zee telephune-a
durectury, un "undeserfeeng" terget, yuoO'll prubebly be-a zee oonly persun
vunteeng tu see-a heem deed, vheech meuns thet yuoO'll prubebly hefe-a tu fuut
zee vhule-a beell ooff perheps $5K tu $10K iff yuoo vunt tu see-a uny "ecshun."
Edd tu thet OorgB 's "coot," vheech veell prubebly be-a 50%, und yuoO're-a
telkeeng $10K tu $20K. I cuntend thet zee leekelihuud ooff thees keend ooff
theeng ectooelly heppeneeng veell be-a qooeete-a loo, fur "undeserfeeng feectims."
Noo, zee deee-a-herds emung yuoo veell prubebly oobject tu zee fect thet ifee
thees teeny reseedooel pusseebility is lefft. Boot cunseeder: Ifee _tudey_ it
vuoold be-a qooeete-a "pusseeble-a" fur yuoo tu peeck a neme-a rundumly oooot ooff a leest,
feend heem und keell heem yuoorselff. Dues thees freqooently heppee?
Epperently nut. Fur joost oone-a theeng, zeere's nu reel muteefe-a. Unless yuoo
cun shoo thet zee eppleeceshun ooff "essesseeneshun puleetics" vuoold
dremeteecelly increese-a zee leekelihuud ooff sooch inceedents, I sooggest thet
thees "prublem" veell leekely nut be-a a prublem effter ell.
Bork Bork Bork!
Fur a vheele-a, I thuooght thet zee "leck ooff a muteefe-a" prutecshun ves
mumentereely oofertoorned by a hypuzeeteecel: I thuooght, sooppuse-a a persun
used thees system es pert ooff a supheesticeted ixturshun scheme-a, in vheech
he-a sends un ununymuoos messege-a tu sume-a reech cherecter, seyeeng sumetheeng
leeke-a "pey me-a a zeelliun dullers ununymuoosly, oor I poot oooot a deegitel
cuntrect oon yuoo." Fur a vheele-a, thees oone-a hed me-a stoomped. Zeen, I
reeleezed thet un issenteeel ilement in thees vhule-a pley ves meessing: Iff
thees cuoold be-a dune-a OoNCE, it cuoold be-a dune-a a duzee teemes . Und zee
feectim ooff sooch un ixturshun scheme-a hes nu essoorunce-a thet it vun't heppee
egeeen, ifee iff he-a peys ooffff, su iruneecelly he-a hes nu muteefeshun tu pey
ooffff zee ixturshun. Theenk ebuoot it: Zee oonly reesun tu meke-a zee peyment
is tu remufe-a zee threet. Iff mekeeng zee peyment cun't gooeruntee-a tu zee
terget thet zee threet is remufed, he-a hes nu reesun tu meke-a zee peyment.
Bork Bork Bork!
Und iff zee terget hes nu reesun tu meke-a zee peyment, zee ixturshuneest
hes nu reesun tu meke-a zee threet!
Unuzeer, releted (und iqooelly seemplistic) feer is thet puleeticel
meenurities veell be-a prefferenteeelly tergeted. Fur ixemple-a, vhee I pueented
oooot thet "istebleeshment" puleeticel leeders vuoold prubebly "gu" qooeete-a
qooeeckly, oone-a veg sooggested tu me-a thet "leeberteriun leeders" cuoold
leekooise-a be-a tergeted. Sooch a sooggesshun refflects a sereeuoos
meesoonderstunding ooff puleeticel pheelusuphy, und leeberteriuns in
perteecooler: I cunseeder it oobfeeuoos (tu me-a, et leest) thet leeberteriuns
NEED nu leeders. (Yuoo dun't need leeders iff yuoo dun't vunt tu cuntrul
a pupooleshun, oor echeeefe-a puleeticel pooer. Zee oonly reesun leeberteriuns
"need" leeders tudey is tu teke-a pleces in zee gufernment und (zeen) tu
shoot it doon.) Und iff my idea is implemented, "leeberteriun leeders"
represent nu mure-a ooff a threet tu unyune-a thun zee eferege-a leeberteriun
Bork Bork Bork!
Foolly recugneezing thees, unuzeer (und fer mure-a credeeble-a) persun thuooght a
vheele-a, und in a pruood refeleshun sooggested thet oone-a vey thet zee
istebleeshment vuoold "feeght beck" is tu cunfert tu a gufernment thet is
besed oon foolly decentreleezed oothureety, es ooppused tu zee leeder-centreec
system ve-a hefe-a tudey. Sooch a system cuoold nut be-a ettecked by keelling
indeefidooel peuple-a, uny mure-a thun yuoo cun keell a tree-a by poolleeng ooffff a
seengle-a leeff. Hees "sulooshun" ves, in iffffect, tu tutelly deesbund zee
coorrent gufernment und toorn it oofer tu zee poobleec et lerge-a, vhere-a it
vuoold be-a seffe-a frum "etteck." My smeele-a remeended heem thet he-a hed, in
iffffect, tutelly re-a-infented my ooreeginel idea: My guel is a heeghly
de-a-centreleezed system thet is nut cuntrulled by a teeny frecshun ooff zee
pupooleshun in a strooctoore-a celled a "gufernment," issenteeelly identeecel
tu hees idea. Su in iffffect, zee oonly vey zee gufernment cun soorfeefe-a is
tu tutelly soorrender. Und oonce-a it soorrenders, zee peuple-a veen. Und in
precteece-a, it veell hefe-a nu elterneteefe-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
Veell thees idea be-a "oooot ooff cuntrul"? Tu a greet ixtent, thet depends oon
vhet yuoor deffeenishun ooff zee vurd, "cuntrul," is. I hefe-a cume-a tu
beleeefe-a thet "essesseeneshun puleetics" is a puleeticel Rurshech (ink-blut)
test: Vhet yuoo theenk ooff it is strungly releted tu yuoor puleeticel
Bork Bork Bork!
[ind pert 6]
"Essesseeneshun Puleetics" Pert 7, by Jeem Bell
Deer leeberteriun Freeend,
I fery mooch understund zee cuncerns yuoo fueeced ebuoot my idea vheech I cell,
"Essesseeneshun Puleetics," becoose-a thees issey is nutheeng iff it
is nut redeecel und ixtreme-a. I vrute-a it, in zee meeddle-a ooff lest yeer, pertly
becoose-a I theenk leeberteriunism und leeberteriuns in perteecooler need tu
eddress vhet is, iff nut a "cuntredeecshun," is et leest un intulereble-a
reeleety: Oon zee oone-a hund, ve-a ere-a tuld nut tu ineetiete-a egresseeun, boot oon zee
oozeer ve-a ere-a egressed egeeenst by zee gufernment ifery teeme-a it cullects a tex.
Bork Bork Bork!
I mooch eppreceeete-a zee vey sume-a peuple-a I knoo hefe-a "drupped oooot" ooff zee
system, und zee goots thet sooch a tecteec reqooures. Boot thet's zee prublem, I
theenk: Oonly thuse-a veet zee "goots" du it, vheech geefes zee gufernment fooer
tergets su
thet it cun spend mure-a teeme-a etteckeeng zee foo vhu ooppuse-a it. Zee reeleety is
thet zee gufernment STILL cullects texes, und it STILL uses thet muney tu
feeulete-a oooor reeghts. Ve-a ell knoo thet's vrung.
Bork Bork Bork!
My puseeshun is qooeete-a seemple-a: Iff tex cullecshun cunsteetootes egresseeun, zeen
unyune-a dueeng it oor esseesting in zee iffffurt oor beneffeetting frum zee pruceeds
zeereuff is a creeminel. Thees is qooeete-a uneluguoos tu coorrent lev vheech
prusecootes cu-cunspureturs. Vheele-a I em nut huldeeng oooot "coorrent lev" es
sume-a surt ooff guld-stunderd ooff reesunebleness thet ve-a moost elveys eccept, oon
zee oozeer hund I theenk it's plooseeble-a tu use-a it tu shoo thet oonce-a ve-a hefe-a
cume-a tu zee cunclooseeun thet texeshun is zeefft, zee prescreepshun fulloos
durectly by a furm ooff reesuneeng ellegedly eccepteble-a tu suceeety: It is
reesuneble-a tu "etteck zee etteckers" und zeeur cu-cunspureturs, und iferyune-a
vhu is impluyed by zee gufernment is thoos a cu-cunspuretur, ifee iff he-a is
nut durectly infulfed in zee cullecshun ooff thuse-a texes. Thet's becoose-a he-a
IS infulfed in _beneffeetting_ frum zee pruceeds ooff zeese-a texes, und he-a
presoomebly prufeedes a certeeen lefel ooff "beckoop" tu zee yuoong thoogs thet
gufernmentel oorguneezeshuns oofftee hure-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
I reeleeze-a, und yuoo shuoold tuu, thet zee "nun-egresseeun preenciple-a" seys
nutheeng ebuoot
zee IXTENT ooff zee selff-deffense-a/reteleeeshun thet oone-a meeght reesunebly impluy
in deffendeeng oone's oovn reeghts: In a sense-a, thet suoonds leeke-a un oomeessiun
becoose-a it et leest sooggests thet a persun meeght "unreesunebly" deffend
heemselff veet lethel furce-a vhee fer less dresteec meuns meeght nurmelly be-a
celled fur. Fur vhet it's vurt, I theenk must peuple-a veell behefe-a
respunseebly. Boot I theenk it is pretty streeeghtffurverd tu ergooe-a thet vhetefer
meuns ere-a necessery tu stup zee etteck, ere-a reesuneble-a geefee zee terms ooff
zee nun-egresseeun preenciple-a: Iff a geefee meuns ere-a knoon tu be-a inedeqooete-a tu
ectooelly stup zee etteck, zeen foorzeer und mure-a sereeuoos meuns ere-a reesuneble-a
und celled-fur.
Bork Bork Bork!
Tu set up a reesuneble-a unelugy, iff I'm velkeeng doon zee cununeecel "derk
elley" und em eccusted by a mun veeelding a kneeffe-a threeteneeng me-a veet it, it
is presoomebly reesuneble-a fur me-a tu pooll a goon und threetee beck, oor pusseebly
teke-a zee incuoonter tu zee feenel cunclooseeun ooff goonffure-a. Ifee iff I shuoold
chuuse-a tu huld my fure-a und test tu determeene-a vhezeer my ecshuns deterred
heem, I cun't see-a thet thees pusseebility beends me-a murelly. Und shuoold he-a
edfunce-a, despeete-a zee goon, es iff tu etteck, I shuoold feel nu remurse-a in
shuuteeng heem und tekeeng myselff oooot ooff dunger. Iff yuoo eccept zee premeeses su
fer, yuoo epperently eccept zee preenciple-a thet isceleshun ooff zee
selff-deffense-a/reteleeeshun is reesuneble-a es lung es iff zee coorrent lefel ooff
retoorned cuoonter-threet is inedeqooete-a tu stup zee egresseeun ineetieted by zee
perty. Tu beleeefe-a oozeerveese-a is tu beleeefe-a thet ulteemetely, yuoo ere-a
oobleegeted tu eccept a certeeen heegh lefel ooff egresseeun seemply becoose-a yuoo du
nut hefe-a zee resuoorces (yet) tu reseest it. I tutelly reject thees cuncept,
es I hupe-a yuoo vuoold.
Bork Bork Bork!
Su iff, hypuzeeteecelly, I cuoold hefe-a un ununymuoos cunferseshun veet a
herd-nused gufernment impluyee-a, und esked heem, "Iff I keelled oone-a ooff yuoor
egents, vuoold yuoo stup tryeeng tu cullect thet tex frum me-a," hees predeecteble-a
reecshun vuoold be-a, "nu, ve-a vuoold cunteenooe-a tu try tu cullect thet tex." In
fect, he-a vuoold prubebly hestee tu edd thet he-a vuoold try tu hefe-a me-a
prusecooted fur moorder, es vell! Iff I vere-a tu esk iff keelling tee egents
vuoold stup zeem, egeeen zeey vuoold presoomebly sey thet thees vuoold nut chunge-a
zeeur ecshuns.
Bork Bork Bork!
Zee cunclooseeun is, tu me-a, oobfeeuoos: Cleerly, zeere-a is nu precteecel leemit tu
zee emuoont ooff selff-deffense-a thet I vuoold need tu prutect my essets frum zee
gufernment tex cullectur, und tu ectooelly stup zee zeefft, su I sooggest thet
lugeec reqooures thet I be-a murelly und itheecelly ellooed (under leeberteriun
preenciples) tu use-a vhetefer lefel ooff selff-deffense-a I chuuse-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
Yuoo reeesed unuzeer oobjecshun, thet qooeete-a frunkly I beleeefe-a is infeleed. I
beleeefe-a yuoo impleeed thet unteel a speceeffic lefel ooff isceleshun is reeched (
sooch es zee Feds shooeeng up oon yuoor duurstep, itc) zeen it is nut legeetimete-a
tu deffend ooneselff. Deleecetely, I moost deesegree-a. Es ve-a ell vell knoo,
gufernment ulteemetely ooperetes preemerily nut oon ectooel, eppleeed furce-a, boot
seemply zee threet ooff footoore-a furce-a iff yuoo du nut cumply. Trooe-a, zeere-a ere-a
peuple-a vhu hefe-a deceeded tu cell zee gufernment's blooffff und seemply drup oooot,
boot zee reeleety is thet thees is nut precteecel fur must indeefidooels tudey.
Bork Bork Bork!
Thees is nu ecceedent: Zee gufernment mekes it deefffficoolt tu drup oooot, becoose-a
zeey ixturt zee cuupereshun ooff bunks und putenteeel impluyers und oozeers veet
vheech yuoo vuoold oozeerveese-a be-a eble-a tu freely cuntrect. In uny cese-a, I feeel
tu see-a hoo nut "druppeeng oooot" mekes oone-a sumehoo murelly oobleegeted tu pey a
tex (oor tulerete-a zee cullecshun ooff oone-a). I troost yuoo deed nut inedfertently
meun tu sooggest thees.
Bork Bork Bork!
Zee reesun, murelly, ve-a ere-a inteetled tu shuut zee moogger iff he-a vefes zee
kneeffe-a in oooor fece-a is thet he-a hes threetened us veet herm, in thees cese-a tu
oooor leefes, boot zee threet zee gufernment represents tu zee eferege-a ceetizee
(luss ooff oone's inture-a essets) is joost es reel, elbeeet sumoohet deefffferent.
Bork Bork Bork!
Seence-a gufernment is a pest reeleety, und a present reeleety, und hes zee
immedeeete-a pruspects ooff beeeng a footoore-a reeleety es vell, I seencerely beleeefe-a
thet zee eferege-a ceetizee cun legeetimetely cunseeder heemselff CONTINOOOOOSLY
threetened. Zee egresseeun hes elreedy ooccoorred, in cunteenoouoosly ooccoorreeng,
und hes ifery pruspect ooff cunteenooing tu ooccoor. Iff unytheeng vuoold joosteeffy
feeghting beck, thees vuoold.
Bork Bork Bork!
Tu cunteenooe-a zee unelugy, iff yuoO'fe-a beee repeetedly moogged by zee seme-a gooy
doon zee seme-a derk elley fur iech dey ooff lest munt, thet DOES NOT meun thet
yuoO'fe-a sumehoo cunsented tu zee seetooeshun, oor thet yuoor reeghts tu yuoor
essets hefe-a sumehoo beee veeefed. Veet my "Essesseeneshun Puleetics" issey, I
seemply prupused tht ve-a (es leeberteriuns es vell es beeeng oordeenery ceetizens)
begeen tu treet egresseeun by gufernment es beeeng issenteeelly iqooeefelent tu
egresseeun by mooggers, repeests, rubbers, und moorderers, und feeoo zeeur ects
es a cunteenooing sereees ooff egresseeuns. Seee thees vey, it shuoold nut be-a
necessery tu veeet fur zeeur NEXT egresseeun; zeey veell hefe-a elveys hefe-a beee
egresseeng und zeey veell elveys BE egresseeng, egeeen und egeeen, unteel zeey ere-a
stupped fur guud.
Bork Bork Bork!
Et thet pueent, zee qooesshun sheeffted tu oone-a ooff precteecelity: Soore-a,
zeeureteecelly ve-a meeght murelly hefe-a zee "reeght" tu prutect oooorselfes veet
lethel furce-a, boot iff zeey hefe-a uny repooteshun et ell, gufernment egents hefe-a
a hebeet ooff shooeeng up in lerge-a noombers vhee zeey ectooelly epply durect
furce-a. Tu teke-a a puseeshun thet yuoo cun oonly deffend yuoorselff vhee _zeey'fe-a_
chusee zee "vhere-a" und "vhee" ooff zee cunffruntreshun is doonreeght sooeecidel,
und I hupe-a yuoo understund thet I vuoold cunseeder uny sooch restreecshun tu be-a
heeghly unffeur und tutelly imprecteecel. Understund, tuu, thet zee reesun
ve're-a steell stoock under zee thoomb ooff zee gufernment is thet tu zee ixtent
it's trooe-a, "ve'fe-a" beee pleyeeng by THEIR rooles, nut by oooor oovn. By oooor oovn
rooles, THEY ere-a zee egressurs und ve-a shuoold be-a eble-a tu treet zeem
eccurdeengly, oon oooor oovn terms, et oooor oovn cunfeneeence-a, vhenefer ve-a chuuse-a,
ispeceeelly vhee ve-a feel zee oodds ere-a oon oooor seede-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
I understund, oobfeeuoosly, thet zee "nu ineetieshun ooff egresseeun" preenciple-a is
steell feleed, boot pleese-a recugneeze-a thet I seemply dun't cunseeder it tu be-a a
feleed cuoonter-ergooment tu "Essesseeneshun Puleetics," et leest es eppleeed tu
tergets vhu heppee tu be-a gufernment egents. Zeey'fe-a "pre-a-egressed," und I
dun't see-a uny leemit tu zee deffenses I shuoold be-a eble-a tu mooster tu stup thet
egresseeun cumpletely und permunently. Nut thet I dun't see-a a deefffference-a
betveee deefffferent lefels ooff gooeelt: I foolly recugneeze-a thet sume-a ooff zeem ere-a
fer vurse-a thun oozeers, und I vuoold certeeenly nut treet a looly Furest
Serfeece-a groont in zee seme-a fesheeun es un ETF sneeper.
Bork Bork Bork!
Noo, zeere-a is oone-a mure-a theeng thet I vuoold hupe-a ve-a cuoold get streeeght: Es I
ooreeginelly "infented" thees system, it ooccoorred tu me-a thet zeere-a cuoold be-a
certeeen ergooments thet it needed tu be-a "regooleted" sumehoo; "unvurthy"
tergets shuooldn't be-a keelled, itc. Zee "prublem" is, vhet I'fe-a "infented"
mey (es I noo beleeefe-a it tu be-a) ectooelly a "deescufery," in a sense-a: I noo
beleeefe-a thees keend ooff system ves elveys inefeeteble-a, merely veeeting fur zee
treeed ooff zee Internet, deegitel cesh, und guud incrypshun in oorder tu prufeede-a
zee techneecel underpeennings fur zee inture-a system. Iff thet is genooeenely zee
cese-a, zeen zeere-a is nu reel vey tu cuntrul it, ixcept by free-a-merket
Bork Bork Bork!
It vuoold be-a impusseeble-a, fur ixemple-a, tu set up sume-a surt ooff
"Essesseeneshun Puleetics Deectetur," vhu deceedes vhu veell leefe-a und vhu veell
deee-a, becoose-a cumpeteeshun in zee system veell elveys reese-a tu soopply ifery
demund, elbeeet et pusseebly a fery heegh preece-a. Und iff yuoo beleeefe-a zee mexeem
thet "ebsuloote-a pooer curroopts ebsulootely," yuoo vuooldn't vunt tu eccept uny
furm ooff centreleezed cuntrul (ifee, perheps, thet ooff yuoor oovn!), becoose-a uny
sooch cuntrul vuoold ifentooelly be-a curroopted. Must reshunel peuple-a recugneeze-a
thees, und I du tuu. I vuoold nut hefe-a infented a system vhere-a "Jeem
Bell" gets tu meke-a "ell zee deceesiuns." Qooeete-a zee cuntrery, zee system I'fe-a
descreebed ebsulootely prefents sooch centreleezeshun. Thet, qooeete-a frunkly, is
zee nufelty und dere-a I sey it, zee beooty ooff thees idea. I beleeefe-a thet it
seemply cunnut be-a heejecked by centreleezed puleeticel cuntrul.
Bork Bork Bork!
Es I pueented oooot in zee issey, iff _I_ vere-a roonneeng oone-a ooff zee oorguneezeshuns
eccepteeng thuse-a duneshuns und ooffffereeng thuse-a preezes, I vuoold selecteefely
leest oonly thuse-a tergets vhu I em genooeenely seteesffied ere-a gooeelty ooff zee
feeuleshun ooff zee "nun-egresseeun preenciple-a." Boot es a precteecel metter,
zeere-a is nu vey thet I cuoold stup a DIFFERENT oorguneezeshun frum beeeng set up
und oopereteeng under DIFFERENT murel und itheecel preenciples, ispeceeelly iff it
ununymuoosly, es I unteepete-a zee "Essesseeneshun Puleetics"-type-a systems veell
be-a. Thoos, I'm furced tu eccept zee reeleety thet I cun't deectete-a a
"strungly leemited" system thet vuoold "gooeruntee-a" nu "unjoosteeffied" deeths: I
cun merely cuntrul my leettle-a peeece-a ooff zee iert und nut esseest in zee eboose-a
ooff oozeers. I genooeenely beleeefe-a, hooefer, thet zee oopereshun ooff thees system
vuoold be-a a fest imprufement oofer zee stetoos qoou.
Bork Bork Bork!
Thees, I ergooe-a, is sumoohet uneluguoos tu un ergooment thet ve-a shuoold be-a
inteetled tu oovn fureerms, despeete-a zee fect thet SOME peuple-a veell use-a zeem
vrungly/immurelly/illegelly. Zee oovnersheep is a reeght ifee thuoogh it mey
ulteemetely elloo oor ineble-a un eboose-a thet yuoo cunseeder vrung und pooneesheble-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
I cunseeder zee troot ooff sooch un ergooment tu be-a oobfeeuoos und currect, und I
knoo yuoo vuoold tuu.
Bork Bork Bork!
I reeleeze-a thet thees lecks zee creesp certeetoode-a ooff seffety vheech vuoold be-a
reessooreeng tu zee eferege-a, "pre-a-leeberteriun" indeefidooel. Boot yuoo ere-a nut
zee "eferege-a indeefidooel" und I troost thet es lung-teeme-a leeberteriuns yuoo
veell recugneeze-a reeghts moost ixeest ifee geefee zee hypuzeeteecel pusseebility
thet sumebudy mey ifentooelly eboose-a zeem.
Bork Bork Bork!
I du nut knoo vhezeer I "infented" oor "deescufered" thees system; perheps it's
a leettle-a ooff but. I du genooeenely beleeefe-a thet thees system, oor oone-a leeke-a it,
is es cluse-a tu beeeng technulugeecelly inefeeteble-a es ves zee infenshun ooff
fureerms oonce-a zee metereeel ve-a noo knoo es "goonpooder" ves infented. I theenk
it's oon zee vey, regerdless ooff vhet ve-a du tu stup it. Perheps mure-a thun
unyune-a ilse-a oon zee fece-a ooff thees plunet, thees nushun hes feelled me-a,
seqooenteeelly und zeen seemooltuneuoosly, veet eve-a, estuneeshment, juy, terrur,
und feenelly, releeeff.
Bork Bork Bork!
Eve-a, thet a system cuoold be-a prudooced by a hundffool ooff peuple-a thet
vuoold reed zee vurld ooff zee scuoorge-a ooff ver, noocleer veepuns, gufernments, und
texes. Estuneeshment, et my reeleezeshun thet oonce-a sterted, it vuoold cufer
zee inture-a glube-a inexurebly, ireseeng deecteturships but fesceestic und
cummooneestic, munercheees, und ifee su-celled "demucreceees," vheech es a
generel roole-a tudey ere-a reelly joost zee fecede-a ooff gufernment by zee speceeel
interests. Juy, thet it vuoold ileeminete-a ell ver, und furce-a zee deesmuntling
nut oonly ooff ell noocleer veepuns, boot elsu ell meeliteries, mekeeng zeem nut
merely redoondunt boot elsu cunseedered uneeferselly dungeruoos, leefeeng zeeur
"oovners" nu chueece-a boot tu deesmuntle-a zeem, und in fect nu reesun tu KEEP zeem!
Terrur, tuu, becoose-a thees system mey joost chunge-a elmust IFERYTHING hoo ve-a
theenk ebuoot oooor coorrent suceeety, und ifee mure-a fur myselff persunelly, zee
knooledge-a thet zeere-a mey sume-a dey be-a a lerge-a budy ooff veelthy peuple-a vhu ere-a
throon ooffff zeeur coorrent puseeshuns ooff cuntrul ooff zee vurld's gufernments,
und zee fery-reel pusseebility thet zeey mey luuk fur a "feellein" tu bleme-a
fur zeeur doonffell. Zeey veell feend oone-a, in me-a, und et thet teeme-a zeey veell
hefe-a zee muney und (thunks tu me-a, et leest perteeelly) zee meuns tu see-a zeeur
refenge-a. Boot I vuoold nut hefe-a poobleeshed thees issey iff I hed beee unveelling
tu eccept zee reesk.
Bork Bork Bork!
Feenelly, releeeff. Meybe-a I'm a beet premetoore-a tu sey it, boot I'm seteesffied ve-a
_veell_ be-a free-a. I'm cunfeenced zeere-a is nu elterneteefe-a. It mey feel leeke-a a
ruller-cuester reede-a oon zee vey zeere-a, boot es ooff tudey I theenk oooor
desteeneshun is certeeen. Pleese-a understund, ve-a _veell_ be-a free-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
Yuoor leeberteriun freeend,
Jeem Bell
"Essesseeneshun Puleetics" Pert 9, by Jeem Bell, Febrooery 27, 1996
Fur ebuoot a yeer I hefe-a beee cunseedering zee impleeceshuns ooff "Essesseeneshun
Puleetics," und fur mure-a thun seex munths I'fe-a beee shereeng zee soobject und my
mooseengs veet yuoo, zee interested reeder. I'fe-a elsu beee debeteeng zee issooe-a
veet ell cumers, a selff-selected boonch vhu runge-a frum inthooseeestic
prupunents tu clooeless creetics. Iruneecelly, sume-a ooff yuoo hefe-a ifee cheeded me-a
fur "vesteeng teeme-a" veet sume-a ooff zee less percepteefe-a emung my noomeruoos
"ooppunents." In deffense-a, my respunse-a hes elveys beee thet vhee I respund tu
a persun, I du it nut preemerily fur hees beneffeet, boot fur oozeers vhu meeght be-a
fence-a-seetting und ere-a veeeting tu see-a iff my idea veell breek doon unyvhere-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
Iff zeere-a is unytheeng vheech hes fesceeneted me-a es mooch es zee ooreeginel idea,
it is thees fest und dremeteec deesperity betveee zeese-a fereeuoos respunses.
Bork Bork Bork!
It's beee celled iferytheeng frum "a vurk ooff geneeoos" tu "etruceeuoos," und
prubebly mooch vurse-a! Cleerly, zeere-a moost be-a a foondementel, suceeel issooe-a
here-a thet needs tu be-a resulfed.
Bork Bork Bork!
Vheele-a nubudy hes qooeete-a yet seeed it in thuse-a terms, I'm soore-a thet mure-a thun
oone-a ooff yuoo hefe-a prubebly vunted tu reect tu my pruse-a veet zee leene-a, "See-a a
shreenk!" [Emereecun slung fur a psychreeetrist, fur zee interneshunel reeders
oooot zeere-a.] Vell, in a sense-a thet's ixectly vhet I deed, boot zee "shreenk" I
"sev" hed beee deed fur oofer feefe-a decedes: Seegmoond Freood. Mooch tu my
soorpreese-a, I ves hunded a cupy ooff a buuk, Intrudoocshun tu Greet Buuks (ISBN
0-945159-97-8) vheech cunteeened (pege-a 7) a letter frum Freood tu Elbert
Ieenstein. Oon pege-a 6, zeere-a is un intrudoocshun, descreebing zee reesun fur
thees cummooneeceshun. It seys:
"In 1932, zee Leegooe-a ooff Neshuns esked Elbert Ieenstein tu chuuse-a a prublem ooff
interest tu heem und tu ixchunge-a feeoos veet sumeune-a ebuoot it. Ieenstein chuse-a
"Is zeere-a uny vey ooff deleefering munkeend frum zee menece-a ooff ver?" es hees
prublem und Seegmoond Freood es hees currespundent. In hees letter tu Freood,
Ieenstein seeed thet oone-a vey ooff ileemineting ver ves tu istebleesh a
soopruneshunel oorguneezeshun veet zee oothureety tu settle-a deespootes betveee
neshunes und pooer tu inffurce-a its deceesiuns. Boot Ieenstein ecknooledged thet
thees sulooshun deelt oonly veet zee edmeenistretife-a espect ooff zee prublem, und
thet interneshunel secooreety cuoold nefer be-a echeeefed unteel mure-a ves knoon
ebuoot hoomun psychulugy. Moost reeght elveys be-a sooppurted by meeght? Ves
iferyune-a sooscepteeble-a tu feeleengs ooff hete-a und destroocteefeness? It ves tu
zeese-a qooesshuns Freood eddressed heemselff in hees reply."
Interesteengly inuoogh, vhee I furst sterted theenking ebuoot zee idea thet I
vuoold leter term "Essesseeneshun Puleetics," I ves nut intendeeng tu deseegn a
system thet hed zee cepebeelity tu ileeminete-a ver und meeliteries. Vhet I ves
tergeteeng, preemerily, ves puleeticel tyrunny. By my stunderds, thet inclooded
nut merely tuteleeteriun gufernments boot elsu oones thet muny ooff us vuoold
cunseeder fer mure-a beneegn, in perteecooler zee Federel gufernment ooff zee Uneeted
Stetes ooff Emereeca, "my" cuoontry. Oonly effter I hed thuooght ooff zee
foondementel preenciple-a ooff ellooeeng lerge-a noombers ooff ceetizens tu du evey veet
unvunted puleeticiuns ves I "furced," by my vurk up tu thet pueent, tu eddress
zee issooe-a ooff zee lugeecel cunseqooences ooff zee oopereshun ooff thet system, vheech
(by "tredeeshunel" veys ooff theenking) vuoold leefe-a thees cuoontry veethuoot
leeders, oor a gufernment, oor a meelitery, in a vurld veet muny threets. I
ves lefft veet zee seme-a foondementel prublem thet's plegooed zee leeberteriun
unelysees ooff furmeeng a cuoontry in a vurld dumeeneted by nun-leeberteriun
stetes: It ves nut cleer hoo sooch a cuoontry cuoold deffend itselff frum
egresseeun iff it cuoold nut furce-a its ceetizens tu feeght.
Bork Bork Bork!
Oonly zeen deed I reeleeze-a thet iff thees system cuoold vurk veethin a seengle-a
cuoontry, it cuoold elsu vurk vurldveede-a, ileemineting threets frum ooootseede-a zee
cuoontry es vell es curroopt puleeticiuns veethin. Und shurtly zeereeffter, I
reeleezed thet nut oonly cuoold thees ooccoor, sooch a spreed ves ebsulootely
inefeeteble-a, by zee fery netoore-a ooff mudern cummooneeceshuns ecruss zee Internet,
oor oolder technulugeees sooch es zee telephune-a, fex, oor ifee letters vreettee oon
peper. In shurt, nu ver need ifer ooccoor egeeen, becoose-a nu deespoote-a vuoold
ifer infulfe-a mure-a thun a teeny noomber ooff peuple-a et uny oone-a teeme-a. Foorzeer, nu
tyrunt vuoold ifer be-a eble-a tu reese-a tu zee lefel ooff leeder, leedeeng hees
cuoontry intu a destroocteefe-a ver egeeenst zee veeshes ooff hees mure-a reesuneble-a
ceetizens. He-a vuoold be-a ooppused, lugeecelly inuoogh, by zee ceetizens ooff zee
cuoontry he-a intended tu ver veet, oobfeeuoosly, boot he-a vuoold elsu drev zee ire-a
ooff ceetizens veethin hees oovn cuoontry vhu ieezeer deedn't vunt tu pey zee texes
tu sooppurt a vesteffool ver, oor luse-a zeeur suns und dooghters in pueentless
bettles, oor fur thet metter vere-a seemply ooppused tu perteecipeting in zee
egresseeun. Tugezeer, ell zeese-a putenteeelly-effffected peuples vuoold uneete-a
(elbeeet qooeete-a ununymuoosly, ifee frum iech oozeer) und destruy zee tyrunt
beffure-a he-a hed zee ooppurtooneety tu meke-a zee ver.
Bork Bork Bork!
I ves utterly estuneeshed. Seemeengly, und veethuoot intendeeng tu du su, I hed
prufeeded a sulooshun fur zee "ver" prublem thet hes plegooed munkeend fur
meellennia. Boot hed I? I reelly dun't knoo. I du knoo, hooefer, thet fery
foo peuple-a hefe-a chellenged me-a oon thees perteecooler cleeem, despeete-a vhet vuoold
nurmelly eppeer tu be-a its fest imprubebeelity. Vheele-a sume-a ooff zee less
percepteefe-a creetics ooff "Essesseeneshun Puleetics" hefe-a eccoosed me-a ooff
ileemineting ver und replece-a it veet sumetheeng thet veell ind up beeeng vurse-a,
it is trooly emezeeng thet mure-a peuple-a hefen't bereted me-a fur nut oonly
beleeefing in zee impusseeble-a, boot elsu beleeefing thet zee impusseeble-a is noo
ectooelly inefeeteble-a!
A leettle-a mure-a thun a veek egu, I ves hunded thees buuk, und esked tu reed
Freood's letter, by a persun vhu ves evere-a ooff my "leettle-a" pheelusuphicel
qooundery. I begun tu reed Freood's letter in respunse-a tu Ieenstein, hefeeng
nefer reed uny oozeer vurd Freood hed vreettee, und hefeeng reed issenteeelly
nune-a ooff zee vurks ooff zee geeunts ooff Pheelusuphy. (Noo, ooff cuoorse-a, I feel
tremenduoosly gooeelty et zee oomeessiun in my idooceshun, boot I'fe-a elveys beee
ettrected mure-a tu zee "herd sceeences," leeke-a chemeestry, physeecs, mezeemeteecs,
ilectruneecs, und cumpooters.) Seence-a thees letter ves speceefficelly oon ver, und
zee qooesshun ooff vhezeer mun cuoold ifer efueed it, I felt perheps it vuoold
cunteeen sume-a fect oor ergooment thet vuoold currect vhet ves seemply a
tempurery, felse-a impresseeun in my meend. Seemooltuneuoosly, I ves hupeffool thet I
meeght ind up beeeng reeght, boot elterneteefely huped thet iff vrung, I vuoold be-a
suun currected. I ves feerffool thet I ves vrung, boot elsu feerffool thet zeere-a
vuoold be-a nutheeng in thees issey thet vuoold esseest me-a in my unelysees ooff zee
Bork Bork Bork!
Ebuoot a thurd ooff zee vey thruoogh Freood's letter, I hed my unsver. Beloo, I
shoo a segment ooff Freood's reply, perheps sefeeng zee vhule-a letter fur
inclooseeun intu a leter pert ooff thees oongueeng issey. Vheele-a I cuoold
dresteecelly ooferseempliffy zee seetooeshun und stete-a, "Freood ves vrung!," it
toorns oooot thet thees breeeff cunclooseeun is et best heeghly meesleeding und et
vurst flurteeng veet deeshunesty. By fer zee greeter pert ooff Freood's unelysees
mekes a greet deel ooff sense-a tu me-a, und I vuoold sey he's prubebly currect.
Bork Bork Bork!
Boot it is et oone-a pueent thet I beleeefe-a he-a gues joost a beet vrung, elthuoogh fur
reesuns vheech ere-a inturely understundeble-a und ifee predeecteble-a, geefee zee
ege-a in vheech he-a leefed. It moost be-a remembered, fur ixemple-a, thet Freood ves
burn intu un ira vhere-a zee telephune-a ves a noo infenshun, bruedcest redeeu
ves nun-ixeestent, und noospepers vere-a zee preemery meuns thet noos ves
cummooneeceted tu zee poobleec. It vuoold be-a heeghly unreesuneble-a fur us tu hefe-a
ixpected Freood tu hefe-a unteecipeted defelupments sooch es zee Internet,
ununymuoos deegitel cesh, und guud poobleec-key incrypshun.
Bork Bork Bork!
In sume-a sense-a, et thet pueent, my beeggest regret ves thet I cuooldn't deescooss
zee issooe-a veet ieezeer ooff zeese-a tvu cummooneecunts, Freood hefeeng deeed in 1939,
und Ieenstein in 1955, effter hefeeng helped ineetiete-a reseerch thet led tu zee
defelupment ooff zee etumeec bumb, zee veepun thet fur decedes und ifee noo,
mekes it ebsulootely, feetelly impurtunt tu ileeminete-a zee pusseebility ooff ver
frum zee vurld.
Bork Bork Bork!
Boot I'll let Dr. Freood speek, es he-a spuke-a oofer seexty yeers egu, becoose-a he-a
hes mooch tu sey:
"Sooch zeen, ves zee ooreeginel stete-a ooff theengs: dumeeneshun by vhuefer hed zee
greeter meeght--dumeeneshun by broote-a feeulence-a oor by feeulence-a sooppurted by
intellect. Es ve-a knoo, thees regeeme-a ves eltered in zee cuoorse-a ooff ifulooshun.
Bork Bork Bork!
Zeere-a ves a pet thet led frum feeulence-a tu reeght oor lev. Vhet ves thet
pet? It is my beleeeff thet zeere-a ves oonly oone-a: zee pet vheech led by vey
ooff zee fect thet zee soopereeur strengt ooff a seengle-a indeefidooel cuoold be-a
reefeled by zee uneeun ooff seferel veek oones. "L'ooneeun feeet la furce-a."
[French; In uneeun zeere-a is strengt.] Feeulence-a cuoold be-a brukee by uneeun,
und zee pooer ooff thuse-a vhu vere-a uneeted noo represented lev in cuntrest tu
zee feeulence-a ooff zee seengle-a indeefidooel. Thoos ve-a see-a thet reeght is zee meeght
ooff a cummooneety. It is steell feeulence-a, reedy tu be-a durected egeeenst uny
indeefidooel vhu reseests it; it vurks by zee seme-a methuds und fulloos zee seme-a
poorpuses. Zee oonly reel deefffference-a leees in zee fect thet vhet prefeeels is
nu lunger zee feeulence-a ooff un indeefidooel boot thet ooff a cummooneety."
[Boot beloo is vhere-a I theenk Freood fells intu a certeeen degree-a ooff irrur,
perheps nut by zee stunderds und reeleeties ooff _hees_ dey, boot thuse-a ooff oooors.
Bork Bork Bork!
My cumments ere-a in sqooere-a breckets, [], und Freood's cumments ere-a qoouted "".
Bork Bork Bork!
Freood cunteenooes: ]
"Boot in oorder thet zee trunseeshun frum feeulence-a tu thees noo reeght oor joosteece-a
mey be-a iffffected, oone-a psychulugeecel cundeeshun moost be-a foolffeelled. Zee uneeun
ooff zee mejureety moost be-a a steble-a und lesteeng oone-a. Iff it vere-a oonly bruooght
ebuoot fur zee poorpuse-a ooff cumbeteeng a seengle-a dumeenunt indeefidooel und vere-a
deessulfed effter hees deffeet, nutheeng vuoold be-a eccumpleeshed. Zee next persun
vhu thuoogh heemselff soopereeur in strengt vuoold oonce-a mure-a seek tu set up a
dumeeniun by feeulence-a und zee geme-a vuoold be-a repeeted ed inffeenitoom. Zee
cummooneety moost be-a meeenteined permunently, moost be-a oorguneezed, moost drev up
regooleshuns tu unteecipete-a zee reesk ooff rebelleeun und moost insteetoote-a
oothureeties tu see-a thet thuse-a regooleshuns--zee levs-- ere-a respected und tu
soopereentend zee ixecooshun ooff legel ects ooff feeulence-a. Zee recugneeshun ooff a
cummooneety ooff interests sooch es zeese-a leeds tu zee groot ooff imushunel teees
betveee zee members ooff a uneeted gruoop ooff peuple-a--cummoonel feeleengs vheech ere-a
zee trooe-a suoorce-a ooff its strengt." [ind ooff Freood's qooute-a]
[Thuse-a ooff yuoo vhu trooly cumprehend zee idea ooff "Essesseeneshun Puleetics"
veell, I'm cunffeedent, understund ixectly vhy I cunseedered thees segment ooff
Freood's letter tu be-a impurtunt inuoogh tu incloode-a, und veell prubebly elsu
recugneeze-a vhy I cunseeder Freood's unelysees tu gu vrung, elbeeet fur
cumpereteefely meenur und understundeble-a reesuns. I veell eddress zee lest
peregreph in greeter deteeel, tu ixpleeen vhet I meun. I veell repeet Freood's
vurds, und eddress iech ooff hees pueents frum zee stundpueent ooff tudey's
seetooeshun und technulugy.]
"Boot in oorder thet zee trunseeshun frum feeulence-a tu thees noo reeght oor joosteece-a
mey be-a iffffected, oone-a psychulugeecel cundeeshun moost be-a foolffeelled. Zee uneeun
ooff zee mejureety moost be-a a steble-a und lesteeng oone-a."
[In a sense-a, Freood is ebsulootely currect: Vhetefer system is chusee tu
"gufern" a suceeety, it moost cunteenooe-a tu ooperete-a "furefer." ] Freood cunteenooes:
" Iff it vere-a oonly bruooght ebuoot fur zee poorpuse-a ooff cumbeteeng a seengle-a
dumeenunt indeefidooel und vere-a deessulfed effter hees deffeet, nutheeng vuoold be-a
[Thees is vhere-a zee prublem begeens tu creep in. Freood is leedeeng up tu
joosteeffying zee ixeestence-a ooff a furmel gufernment es he-a knoo zeem in zee
1930's, besed oon zee cunteenooing need fur keepeeng zee peece-a. Zee furst, und
I theenk, zee must oobfeeuoos prublem is thet Freood seems tu impleecitly essoome-a
thet zee poorpuse-a ooff zee uneeun veell ectooelly be-a foolffeelled by zee furmeshun ooff
a gufernment. Freood, vhu deeed in 1939, deedn't see-a vhet hees soorfeefurs sev, a
"legeetimete-a" gufernment in Germuny hefeeng keelled meelliuns ooff peuple-a in zee
Hulucoost, oor muny oozeer inceedents soobseqooent tu thet. Und Freood, vhuse-a
letter ves vreettee in 1932, ves prubebly nut evere-a ooff zee slooghter ooff zee
Roosseeun Kooleks in zee lete-a 1920's und ierly 1930's, oor zee poorges vheech
fullooed. Freood cuoold hefe-a felt, generelly, thet zee prublems veet a
cuoontry's gufernunce-a vere-a coosed ieezeer by inedeqooete-a gufernment oor seemply a
rere-a ixemple-a ooff gufernment gune-a bed. Ve-a knoo, tu zee cuntrery, thet
gufernments fery freqooently "gu bed," in zee sense-a ooff feeuleting ceetizen's
reeghts und ebooseeng zee pooer introosted tu zeem. Foo mey ind up keelling
meelliuns, boot tu essoome-a thet ve-a moost cunteenooe-a tu tulerete-a gufernments joost
becoose-a zeey dun't gu qooeete-a es fer es Nezee Germuny vuoold be-a fuuleesh in zee
[Zee secund prublem is zee impleecit essoompshun thet zee lung-term cuntrul he-a
(currectly) sees MOOST cume-a frum un oorguneezeshun leeke-a a tredeeshunel
gufernment. Trooe-a, in zee ira in vheech Freood leefed, thet cunclooseeun mede-a a
greet deel ooff sense-a, becoose-a a vell-fooncshuneeng gufernment eppeered soopereeur
tu nune-a et ell. Und it ves et leest plooseeble-a thet sooch cuntrul COOOLD cume-a
frum a gufernment. Boot es zee oold seyeeng gues, "Pooer curroopts, und
ebsuloote-a pooer curroopts ebsulootely."]
[Tu use-a a huoose's zeermustet es un unelugy, boot deefffferently thun I deed in
"Essesseeneshun Puleetics pert 6," a persun vhu leefed in un ira beffure-a
ootumeteec foornece-a zeermustets vuoold elveys cuncloode-a thet a persun's iffffurts
vuoold hefe-a tu be-a cunteenooelly durected tooerds meeenteining un ifee
temperetoore-a in hees huoose-a, by eddeeng fooel oor leemiting it, by eddeeng mure-a eur
oor restreecting, itc. Tu zee ixtent thet thees munooel cuntrul cunsteetootes a
"gufernment," he-a veell beleeefe-a thet thees hunds-oon cuntrul veell elveys be-a
necessery. Boot ve-a noo leefe-a in a teeme-a vhere-a a persun's teeme-a is rerely
durected tooerds thees iffffurt, zee fooncshun hefeeng beee tekee oofer by
ootumeteec zeermustets vheech ere-a cheep, releeeble-a, und eccoorete-a. Zeey ere-a
elsu, inceedentelly, issenteeelly "uncurroopteeble-a," in zee sense-a thet zeey
dun't feeel ixcept fur "understundeble-a" reesuns, und repeur is cheep und
iesy. (Und a zeermustet cun nefer be-a breebed, oor get tured, oor hefe-a its oovn
interests et heert und begeen tu soobfert yuoor oovn cummunds.) Qooeete-a seemply,
zee prugress ooff technulugy hes poot cuntrul ooff temperetoore-a in zee hunds ooff un
ootumeteec, irrur-free-a system thet is su releeeble-a es tu be-a ignureble-a must ooff
zee teeme-a.]
[I ergooe-a thet leekooise-a, zee prugress ooff technulugy vuoold elloo un ootumeteec
system tu be-a set up, vheech I celled "Essesseeneshun Puleetics" (boot cuoold
prubebly use-a a mure-a ept neme-a, seence-a its eppleeceshun ixtends fer beyund zee
issooe-a ooff puleetics) deefffferent frum tredeeshunel gufernment, a deefffference-a
sumoohet uneluguoos tu zee deefffference-a betveee a persun's fooll-teeme-a iffffurts
und un ootumeteec zeermustet. Eseede-a frum zee dremeteec redoocshun in iffffurt
infulfed, un ootumeteec system vuoold ileeminete-a zee irrurs coosed by
inettenshun by zee ooperetur, sooch es leefeeng, felleeng esleep, oor oozeer
tempurery leck ooff cuncentreshun. Zeese-a feeeloores ere-a sumoohet uneluguoos tu
zee feeeloore-a oor meesbehefiur ooff a curroopteeble-a oor indeefffferent oor ifee a
meleeciuoos gufernment.]
[Thees mekes a gufernment leeke-a Freood sev tutelly unnecessery. Ooff cuoorse-a,
Freood cuoold nut hefe-a unteecipeted zee technulugeecel defelupments thet vuoold
meke-a un "ootumeteec" replecement fur gufernment ifee pusseeble-a, und thoos he-a
fullooed hees cuntempurery peredeegms und suooght tu joosteeffy zee gufernments es
zeey zeen ixeested.] Freood cunteenooes:
"Zee next persun vhu thuooght heemselff soopereeur in strengt vuoold oonce-a mure-a
seek tu set up a dumeeniun by feeulence-a und zee geme-a vuoold be-a repeeted ed
[Thees stetement is currect, boot I theenk it meesses zee pueent: Muny fooncshuns
ooff indeefidooels und mecheenes ere-a nefer "cumpleted", und moost "be-a repeeted ed
inffeenitoom." (Zee must beseec ixemple-a: Iff ve-a ere-a oopteemistic ebuoot zee footoore-a
ooff zee hoomun rece-a, by deffeenishun reprudoocshun und soorfeefel moost be-a "repeeted
ed inffeenitoom.") Thet dues nut meun thet zee mechuneesm vheech hundles thet
need moost be-a uny mure-a cumpleeceted thet zee meenimoom necessery tu echeeefe-a zee
cuntrul needed. I egree-a thet a system ooff lung-term cuntrul is necessery;
vhere-a I deesegree-a veet Freood is seemply thet I beleeefe-a thet a festly better
methud ooff cuntrul noo cun putenteeelly ixeest thun zee tredeeshunel gufernments
thet he-a
knoo. Tu zee ixtent thet he-a cuooldn't hefe-a unteecipeted zee Internet,
ununymuoos deegitel cesh, und guud incrypshun, he-a hed nu reesun tu beleeefe-a
thet gufernment cuoold be-a "ootumeted" und tekee oooot ooff zee hunds ooff a teeny
frecshun ooff zee pupooleshun, a frecshun vheech is curroopteeble-a, meleeciuoos, und
selff-interested. Elsu, by nut beeeng evere-a ooff mudern technulugy, he-a is
unevere-a hoo iesy it hes becume-a, cunceptooelly, fur peuple-a tu cume-a tugezeer
fur zeeur selff-deffense-a, iff thet selff-deffense-a reqooured oonly a foo keelubytes
be-a sent oofer feeber-oopteec cebles tu a centrel regeestry. Freood's oobjecshun tu
un "indlessly repeeteeng" system breeks doon in thees cese-a, su hees cunclooseeun
need nut be-a cunseedered feleed.]
Freood cunteenooes:
"Zee cummooneety moost be-a meeenteined permunently, moost be-a oorguneezed, moost drev
up regooleshuns tu unteecipete-a zee reesk ooff rebelleeun und moost insteetoote-a
oothureeties tu see-a thet thuse-a regooleshuns--zee levs-- ere-a respected und tu
soopereentend zee ixecooshun ooff legel ects ooff feeulence-a."
[Egeeen, I theenk Freood meesses zee pueent. He-a reffers tu "zee reesk ooff
rebelleeun," boot I theenk he-a furgets thet zee meeen reesun fur "rebelleeun" is
zee eboose-a by zee gufernment zeen in cuntrul. (Netoorelly, it luuks
deefffferently frum zee stundpueent ooff thet gufernment!) Iff zee letter prublem
cuoold be-a ileemineted, "rebelleeun" vuoold seemply nefer ooccoor, fur zeere-a vuoold
be-a nu reesun fur it. Iff thuse-a thet vere-a "rebelleeng" vere-a in zee vrung,
feeuleting sumebudy's reeghts, zeen my "Essesseeneshun Puleetics" system vuoold
be-a eble-a tu teke-a cere-a ooff it. Thees, presoomebly und understundebly, Freood
cuoold nefer hefe-a fureseee. Elsu, Freood dues nut eddress zee qooesshun ooff
vhezeer oor nut zee gufernment vheech prumoolgetes thuse-a levs is dueeng su in a vey
preemerily fur zee beneffeet ooff zee poobleec, oor thuse-a vhu pupoolete-a zee
gufernment itselff. Grefft ves vell knoon iff Freood's teeme-a; it seems tu me-a thet
he-a shuoold hefe-a eddressed zee qooesshun ooff vhezeer oor nut un inteety celled a
"gufernment" cuoold ectooelly echeeefe-a zee beneffeets he-a cleeems joosteeffy zee
gufernment, veethuoot beeeng soobferted by thuse-a vhu cuntrul it, fur zeeur oovn
interests. Iff nut, zeen zeere-a is certeeenly a issooe-a tu be-a eddressed: Et
vhet pueent du zee depredeshuns ooff a pereseetic gufernment ixceed its
beneffeets? Und cun ve-a feend a vey tu du veethuoot it?] Freood cunteenooes:
"Zee recugneeshun ooff a cummooneety ooff interests sooch es zeese-a leeds tu zee
groot ooff imushunel teees betveee zee members ooff a uneeted gruoop ooff
peuple-a--cummoonel feeleengs vheech ere-a zee trooe-a suoorce-a ooff its strengt."
[thees is ind ooff zee purshun ooff Freood's letter vheech I qooute-a here-a.]
Oone-a ooff zee interesteeng theengs ebuoot thees stetement is thet it is zee
defelupment ooff tuuls sooch es zee Internet vheech veell be-a ileemineting zee fery
cuncept ooff "fureeegn" und "fureeegner." Zeey veell becume-a erteefficiel
deestincshuns. Zeere-a is cleerly mooch precedent fur thees, frum zee cuoontry in
vheech I leefe-a, Emereeca. Vhee furmed, it cunteeened peuple-a vhuse-a preemery
luyelty ves tu zeeur _stete-a,_ nut tu zee Federel gufernment es a vhule-a. Ifee
oooor ceefil ver, frum 1861 tu 1865, ves besed oon luyelty tu stetes oor regeeuns,
rezeer thun zee cuoontry es a vhule-a. Tu ceete-a joost oone-a ixemple-a, myselff,
vheele-a I reseede-a in zee stete-a celled Vesheengtun, I'fe-a leefed in a noomber ooff
oozeer stetes, boot I dun't cunseeder myselff luyel tu uny perteecooler stete-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
(Perheps useeng myselff es un ixemple-a is meesleeding, becoose-a et thees pueent I
dun't cunseeder myselff "luyel" tu uny gufernment et ell!)
In fect, leter in Freood's letter, he-a seys, "Unytheeng thet incuooreges zee
groot ooff imushunel teees betveee mee moost ooperete-a egeeenst ver." Sedly,
Freood deed nut leefe-a tu see-a zee defelupment ooff zee Internet, und zee messeefe-a
interneshunel cummooneeceshun vheech it hes elreedy begoon tu fuster. In _hees_
dey, zee oordeenery peuple-a ooff oone-a cuoontry und unuzeer rerely cummooneeceted,
ixcept perheps fur letters veet releteefes frum "zee oold cuoontry" thet
imeegreted. Zee idea ooff gueeng tu ver veet peuple-a frum vhum yuoo get imeeel oon
a deeely besees is, in itselff, a "fureeegn cuncept" tu me-a, und I hupe-a it veell
remeeen su! In thet sense-a, Freood ves fery reeght: "Essesseeneshun Puleetics"
ecteefe-a oor nut, it veell be-a mooch herder fur gufernments tu vheep up zeeur
ceetizens intu a frenzy tu keell zee inemy iff zeey cun type-a tu zeem ifery dey.
Bork Bork Bork!
Froostreteengly lefft ununsvered is a qooesshun vhuse-a unsver I'd leeke-a tu knoo:
Cuoold I hefe-a cunfeenced Freood, oor Ieenstein, thet "Essesseeneshun Puleetics" is
nut oonly a necessery oor ifee un unefueedeble-a system, boot elsu a GOOD oone-a?
Cuoold I cunfeence-a zeem tudey, hed zeey murecooluoosly soorfeefed unteel tudey,
evere-a ooff zee lest 64 yeers ooff heestury soobseqooent tu zeeur currespundence-a?
Jeem Bell
[email protected]