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DCSB: Gold Denominated Burmese Opium Futures?

Notice the *corrected* reservation deadline of May 4th, 1996, and the
meeting day of Monday instead of the usual Tuesday...


                 The Digital Commerce Society of Boston
            (Formerly The Boston Society for Digital Commerce)


                            Perry E. Metzger

         "Possible Futures: The Impact of Ubiquitous High Speed
               Networking on Intermediation and Regulation"


        "With Spring Street Brewing shares trading on the web, are
            gold denominated Burmese opium futures inevitable?"

                        *Monday*, May 6, 1996
                               12 - 2 PM
                   The Downtown Harvard Club of Boston
                     One Federal Street, Boston, MA

Perry Metzger is the President of Piermont Information Systems Inc.,
a consulting firm specializing in communications and computer
systems security. He has worked for, or consulted to, the New York
financial community for most of the last decade. He has been
strongly involved with the Internet Engineering Task Force's
security area for some time, and is the author of several security
related RFCs. He is also the co-chair of the IETF's Simple Public
Key Infrastructure working group, which is developing public key
cryptographic standards for the internet.

Networking technology is racing far ahead of culture. Fiber optics
offer the possibility of cheap truly ubiquitous internet service in
the tens of gigabits per second within the decade, and cheap high
speed mobile connectivity is also likely. We will likely live in a
world where anyone can sit in a park with a cheap laptop and
communicate over a multi-megabit per second channel to any other
civilized location on the planet. This development may radically
change our culture, and with it the nature of regulation and
intermediation in the marketplace. Although opium futures trading
might not be inevitable, the scope of the trends we are facing should
not be underestimated. Mr. Metzger will discuss these and similar
developments; he will also discuss the limits to our ability to
predict or alter the course such changes will take.

This meeting of the Digital Commerce Society of Boston will be held on
*Monday*, May 6, 1996 from 12pm - 2pm at the Downtown Branch of the
Harvard Club of Boston, One Federal Street. The price for lunch is $27.50.
This price includes lunch, room rental, and the speaker's lunch. ;-).  The
Harvard Club *does* have a jacket and tie dress code.

Please note that this meeting is on *Monday* this month, due to a scheduling
problem at the Harvard Club. We go back to meeting on the first Tuesday of
the month in June.

We need to receive a company check, or money order, (or if we *really* know
you, a personal check) payable to "The Harvard Club of Boston", by
Saturday, May 4, or you won't be on the list for lunch.  Checks
payable to anyone else but The Harvard Club of Boston will have to be sent

Checks should be sent to Robert Hettinga, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston,
Massachusetts, 02131. Again, they *must* be made payable to "The Harvard
Club of Boston".

If anyone has questions, or has a problem with these arrangements (We've had
to work with glacial A/P departments more than once, for instance), please
let us know via e-mail, and we'll see if we can work something out.

Planned speakers for the following few months are:

 June        Dan Shutzer      FSTC
 July        Pete Loshin      Author, "Electronic Commerce"
 August      Duane Hewitt     Idea Futures

We are actively searching for future speakers.  If you are in Boston on the
first Tuesday of the month, and you would like to make a presentation to the
Society, please send e-mail to the DCSB Program Commmittee, care of Robert
Hettinga, [email protected] .

For more information about the Digital Commerce Society of Boston, send
"info dcsb" in the body of a message to [email protected] .  If you want
to subscribe to the DCSB e-mail list, send "subscribe dcsb" in the body of a
message to [email protected] .

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Robert Hettinga
The Digital Commerce Society of Boston

Version: 2.6.2


Robert Hettinga ([email protected])
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"If they could 'just pass a few more laws',
  we would all be criminals."    --Vinnie Moscaritolo
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