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WhoWhere.com v. that stanford.edu loon
Several people asked for an update, so here it is.
WhoWhere.com has been provided a dump of the password file that they may
never have seen before, and they will be purging all 27,128 addresses
therein from its database. Of course, many of those addresses may also
be available from other, publicly available sources, and the Stanford
community has been made well aware of whowhere.com's service (for user
entries), so I expect that thousands of these addresses will return soon.
I am confident that the Parsec folks are now acting in good faith, and
that they are now sensitive to the relevant privacy and ethical issues.
Myself, I'm cognizant of the hypocrisy and foolishness inherent in my
position, but hey, we do what we can with what we got. Until the system
is fixed, I gotta defend my people the best I can.
I'm still reasonably serious about that "Hack Stanford Privacy" thing. If
there is an easy way for outsiders to glean our whole kerberos namespace
(outside of other major universities interconnected via AFS, and we'll
get that fixed Real Soon Now), I want to know about it.
- -rich
[not on cypherpunks, so please Cc any responses]
Version: 2.6.2