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Re: Nazis on the Net

From:	IN%"[email protected]" 24-APR-1996 00:24:46.89

>> It would 
>>have been better if the atomic bomb had been ready in time to use against 
>>Germany and Stalinist Russia. 

>It was ready "in time" to use against "Stalinist Russia" (which, BTW, was
>Stalinist "Soviet Union,"). 

     It was not ready to use against the USSR/Russia (as should probably be
evident from current nationalist movements in the non-Russian portions of the
USSR, Russia tended to dominate that union) before the USSR was an ally of the
United States. (I refer you to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the USSR and
Nazi Germany.) After the war, they were still tied by various agreements; by
the time that it became obvious that Russia had broken those agreements, it
had nuclear weapons and an attack would have been suicidal.