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Sun's Wallet

Sydney, Australia, April 30 -- SunSoft will shortly
release a workable cash-on-the-Internet program called
Wallet, according to James Gosling, Sun vice president,
lead engineer and key architect behind the Java
cross-platform language.

Gosling, on his first visit to Australia, was discussing
the future of electronic commerce at a briefing session
in Sydney for Australian information technology


San Jose, Calif., April 30 -- VeriSign, a provider of
digital authentication services for Internet access and 
electronic commerce, has announced the opening of its
online Digital ID Center. VeriSign claims the center is
capable of issuing millions of personal Digital IDs for
World Wide Web and Internet e-mail users. 

Digital IDs use cryptographic techniques to provide a
means of authenticating the identity of each party in an
electronic transaction. A Digital ID is issued by
VeriSign, after background checks are made on an
individual or "entity." Once issued, the Digital ID can
be used within any enabled application such as Netscape
Navigator Internet client software and Netscape