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Announce: Windows PGP QuickStart
Due to a fair amount of demand from Private Idaho users who had novice
friends that
wanted to use PGP, but were frustrated at the installation and configuration
of the DOS version, I wrote a Windows utility called PGP QuickStart.
This is an extremely simple app that handholds the user from downloading PGP
their Web browser to creating their key rings. It automatically unzips the
files, creates
the appropriate directory, and modifies the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The user
just follows
easy to understand dialog boxes and clicks buttons.
This is not a full-featured front-end. Its purpose is only to simplify the
PGP installation
process so a user can later use Private Idaho or any of the other Windows
shells that are available.
Obviously, most people on the list aren't going to have much personal use
for this app.
However, it is perfect for recommending to PC users who want to get started with
crypto, but may be a little bit intimidated.
The beta version is located at:
Comments to: [email protected]
As with Private Idaho, this utility is free...