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Re: FW: Why I Pay Too Much in Taxes

At 06:27 PM 5/5/96 -0700, blanc wrote:
>From: 	Black Unicorn (in reply to TCMay):
>> I have no doubt that "tax planning" works for some people, and I think
>> certain people like Vince Cate may do well in places like Anguilla,
>> essentially starting a business from scratch. I even have longterm hopes
>> for tax havens, cyberspace tax havens, anonymous systems, etc. But this
>> ain't happening soon.
>Here I'm not so sure I agree.  Several of us are working on making it
>happen, soon.
>I have a great idea - let's start a closed, elite mailing list for "Offshorepunks".
>Uni, Sandy, & Duncan et al could "show us how it's done".

Let's turn this around, shall we?  I have a theory that within the next few 
years, one of the biggest users of these off-shore accounts will be 
government employees who see their worlds crashing down around them, and 
they want to be able to escape the country with their loot.  Maybe the most 
useful task we could accomplish would be to identify them for later targeting.

Jim Bell
[email protected]