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Re: L. Detweiler is a CyberAngel [NOISE]
"Mark O. Aldrich" <[email protected]> writes:
>Is this stuff collected and published by LD himself, of is someone just
>fronting it? The tone of the prose seems a little weird, but I wasn't on
>c'punks during his heyday, so I can't tell. It seems a little too
>self-effacing at times for the style of a net.loon.
LD isn't a loon, in my opinion. He has a strongly-held but consistent
opinion on matters of computer privacy. His "loon" reputation (and
election, IIRC) stems from back in the days when he was making his points
by performance art and example, rather than by reasoned argumentation and
exposition. People looking at the performance art and taking it at face
value have been confused by the underlying message and annoyed by the
medium -- not everyone appreciates a cyber-Mapplethorpe.
Jim Gillogly
Trewesday, 16 Thrimidge S.R. 1996, 17:09