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Re: UK IP Censorship

Rich Graves <[email protected]> writes:
> On Mon, 6 May 1996 [email protected] wrote:
> > Pipex - the UK arm of UUNet of the US - does not expect a
> > backlash from users over the censorship.
> Let's see to it that they're wrong.
> [ObFUCKING-STATIST: while the article is newbiegarbled, as far as I can
> tell, they're only blocking specific newsgroups, and not any IP routes,
> which would be worse. IMO, ISPs have the right to block certain
> newsgroups, as long as they tell customers what they're doing. HOWEVER, if
> Pipex is as big an uber-ISP and news feeder of ISPs as UUNet is here, then
> they've clearly gone over the line as far as I'm concerned. I don't care
> if AOL blocks alt.sex.kiddie-porn, because the kiddie-porners can simply
> move to a real ISP; but the big players have more of an obligation to act
> as content-neutral common carriers.]

UUNET in the US also blocks Usenet newsgroups it doesn't like.  They're real
unethical and dishonorable scumbags. Should we invent a protocol to encrypt the
Newsgroups: header and hide the newsgroups that David Lawrence (spit) censors?


<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Dr. Dimitri Vulis</a>
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps