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Re: [email protected] down

> At 07:15 PM 5/9/96 -0700, [email protected] (Dave Harman) wrote:
> >
> >Oh, in what way was Elrom racist? (he's not anti-asian or anti-semitic,
> >for instance)
> >
> One famous comment of L. Ron Hubbard was that blacks were too stupid to move
> the needle on the e-meter.

Translation: He couldn't find enough blacks
willing to part with enough money.

> Another comment was that the problem with China is that there are too many
> "chinks" in it.

China's protectionist trade policy forbid investment by Co$.
Otherwise, he would have praised the chinese for servility.

> All this, and much more, is documented in "A Piece of Blue Sky" by John
> Atack (and in other places).

No racism, just capitali$m and its value system.