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will the real Irving J. Schlublutz please stand up? was: Senator Leahy's Public Key
On Thu, 9 May 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:
> My point in all this being that "proofs of identity" aren't all they're
> cracked up to be.
i think a related point is one we all know well, that being if there is a
will, there is a way.. we've seen it with phoney physicians and
specialists, even, with certificates and physicians' licenses.. if someone
wants to intercept corespondence and impersonate another person, it is
easy enough if that person has the time and impetus..
by the way, hi to everyone, as this is my first post (and admittedly low
in interesting content)..
[email protected]
brian dodds, systems administration, jyacc, inc. wellesley, ma
opinions expressed within are not necessarily my own or anyone elses..