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Senator Burns at HotWired Today

Monday, 13 May
6 p.m. PDT

                   Senator Conrad Burns
                   in WiredSide Chat
                   Senator Conrad Burns (R-Montana) has recently
                   introduced legislation to make it easier for
                   netizens to get strong, easy-to-use privacy and
                   security tools for the Internet. The Pro-CODE bill
                   (S. 1726) aims a silver bullet straight at the heart
                   of the Clinton administration's unworkable
                   Clipper and Clipper II schemes by rolling back
                   Cold War-era regulations on the export of strong
                   cryptography. Join us Monday, 13 May at 6 p.m.
                   (Tuesday 01:00 GMT) to talk technology with


Jon Lebkowsky <[email protected]>                     http://www.well.com/~jonl
Electronic Frontiers Forum, 7PM PST Thursdays  <http://www.hotwired.com/eff>