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Re: S-Tools 4 now available

>>>>> "Matts" == Matts Kallioniemi <[email protected]> writes:

Matts> At 17:41 1996-05-13 CST, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:

>> <sigh> I suppose this is market pressure, but it means you are
>> alienating a number of potential users (including myself).  Some of
>> us are working toward being Microsoft-free, you know.

Matts> It's not just marketing, it's a fact of life. 16 bit operating
Matts> systems are not supported any more. Just as 8 bit OSes haven't
Matts> been supported for quite a while either. There will come a day
Matts> when 64 bits are considered the minimum for useful software
Matts> (large database systems are already there).

Matts> You just can't stick with 16 bits forever, MS-free or not. Face
Matts> it.

What does being MS-Free have to do with 16-bit operating systems? I'm
another MS-free potential user, and I'm always in either 32 or 64-bit

Live free or die.

C Matthew Curtin                                         Just Another Hacker
http://users1.ee.net/cmcurtin/            PGP Public Key ID: [email protected]