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Fwd: Floodgate

Isn't this WONDERFUL!?!?    ;)
Forwarded message:
From:	[email protected] (Prime Data WorldNet Systems)
Reply-to:	[email protected]
To:	(Floodgate)@emin31.mail.aol.com
Date: 96-05-12 18:38:29 EDT


1996 is going to be your best year yet!

Last year I developed a new marketing strategy. The people I've 
already taught this to have more leads than they can deal with!
Most are making more money than they've ever made in their life!

This is the same software that all the bulk emailing services use!

FLOODgate Bulk E-mail Loader for Windows
Version 4.10a now Supports 12 File Formats including AOL


Or... every few days. Or 50,000 or 100,000 every day!!

In fact, when I send out 500 marketing letters each day, it doesn't 
take long before I'm completely swamped with e-mail inquiries and 
phone calls. This is very easy to do. And each one of these bulk 
mailings costs me nothing. I can teach you how to do this and 
provide you with the tools you'll need.

Every single day our mailboxes are stuffed, with new inquiries,
questions, and that wonderful phrase, "I've just sent you an order."

Floodgate is a bulk e-mail loader. It allows you to easily build 
huge targeted mailing lists. Use these lists to send your marketing 
letter, or your clients marketing letter, to 100,000's of people.

As you know, there is no charge to send e-mail, via the Internet.
If you'd like to hear more about FLOODGATE,  simply send an
E-Mail to my autoresponder at    [email protected]     and in the 
message area type ONLY the following words, nothing more: 

                               get Floodgate

You will receive our documents pertaining to Floodgate within 


Vernon Hale
Prime Data Systems
Bowling Green, Ky