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Re: Why does the state still stand:


On Thu, 16 May 1996, Hal wrote:

> We have discussed for-pay remailers and the consensus has been that no
> one would use them when others run for free.  However now I think the
> false premise is being exposed, that free remailers simply will not be
> able to run in the current mode for much longer.  Once a single remailer
> operator has been fined thousands of dollars because somebody posted some
> copyrighted message, I don't think you will find many people eager to
> sign up as operators.  So this dream of a volatile collection of
> remailers popping up and going away just doesn't work in my view.  Why
> would anyone offer a service knowing that he was exposing himself to
> liability like this?  It would be just a game of Russian roulette,
> waiting to see whether it is your remailer which gets the bullet in the
> form of a post which violates the copyright of someone with deep
> pockets.

It is possible for someone to operate an anonymous remailer anonymously.
Just get a UNIX shell account under a fake name, pay with cash, and set up
the remailing software.  The identity of the operator of such a remailer
would be difficult, if not impossible, to discover.

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