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Re: The Crisis with Remailers

On 18 May 96 at 13:06, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:

> >> 2. there is no good way to deal with spams or other so-called "abuse"
> >
> > Nor should there be.  What's one person's abuse is another person's
> >free speech.  Internet traffic should not be censored based on contents.
> pardon me, but a rather shallow response. 
[stuff i kind of agree with deleted]

I have my own mini-solutions... for personal mail, I use a kill file. 
For Usenet (when I'm really stuck with too much free time and 
actually read it) FreeAgent and Agent have some ignore 
thread/kill-file abilities (my setup only retrieves headers... so I 
have that luxury for now).

How to deal with the problem as an admin is an entirely different 
story. Solutions?

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