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(fwd) Re: Spoofed Flame Email (was Re: Clinton & the net) (fwd)


Found on sci.crypt.  Most of you have probably already seen it, but I 
sent it here for those who didn't


- --- [ begin forwarded message ] ---

From: [email protected] (Jim Ebright)
Newsgroups: alt.privacy,alt.privacy.clipper,alt.security,alt.security.pgp,comp.org.cpsr.talk,comp.org.eff.talk,sci.crypt,alt.culture.internet,alt.culture.usenet
Subject: Re: Spoofed Flame Email (was Re: Clinton & the net)
Date: 17 May 1996 09:48:57 -0400
Organization: Central Ohio Internet Link, Inc.  (614)242-3814
Lines: 65
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bronze.coil.com
Xref: news.cc.utah.edu alt.privacy:9606 alt.privacy.clipper:1204 alt.security:11072 alt.security.pgp:20972 comp.org.cpsr.talk:5281 comp.org.eff.talk:27326 sci.crypt:11937 alt.culture.internet:11856 alt.culture.usenet:21781

In article <[email protected]>,
Michael Deindl  <[email protected]> wrote:
>IMO anonymous remailers are a very good addition to the net.
>Unfortunately some users are a destructive addition to the net and
>abuse them.  Oh, yes, and of course all these evil kiddy-porn dealers
>use them, too.  And after all: a good citizen has nothing to hide and
>doesn't need anonymous-remailers....
>(For the clueless: the last 2 sentences are sarcasm/irony)

I thought this excerpt taken from comp.risks would be interesting here...
I snarfed it off a webpage where the user thought the comments about
insecure keys was interesting.... I find the anon-remailer comments the
most interesting...

[From the RISKS digest]

Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 14:37:14 -0500 (EST)
From: Frank Sudia <[email protected]>
Subject: CIA & NSA Run Remailers (Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger via Lisa Pease)

>Date: Mon, 4 Mar 1996 16:52:42 -0800 (PST)
>From: Lisa Pease <[email protected]>
>To: jfk-conspiracy <[email protected]>
>Subject: CIA & NSA run remailers (fwd)

I attended last week's ``Information, National Policies, and International
Infrastructure" Symposium at Harvard Law School, organized by the Global
Information Infrastructure Commission, the Kennedy School, and the Institute
for Information Technology Law & Policy of Harvard Law School.

During the presentation by Paul Strassmann, National Defense University, and
William Marlow, Science Applications International Corporation, entitled
``Anonymous Remailers as Risk-Free International Infoterrorists'', the
question was raised from the audience (Professor Charles Nesson, Harvard Law
School) -- in a rather extended debate -- whether the CIA and similar
government agencies are involved in running anonymous remailers, as this
would be a perfect target to scan possibly illegal messages.

Both presenters explicitly acknowledged that a number of anonymous remailers
in the US are run by government agencies scanning traffic.  Marlow said that
the government runs at least a dozen remailers and that the most popular
remailers in France and Germany are run by the respective government
agencies in these countries.  In addition, they mentioned that the NSA has
successfully developed systems to break encrypted messages will less than
1000-bit [public] keys and strongly suggested using at least 1024-bit keys.
They said that they themselves use 1024-bit keys.

I ask Marlow afterwards if these comments were off or on record, he paused
then said that he can be quoted.

So I thought I pass that on. It seems interesting enough, don't you think?

Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger, Information Law Project,  
Austrian Institute for Legal Policy

- -- 
 A/~~\A  Jim Ebright NET Security: http://www.coil.com/~ebright/security.html
((0  0))_______  mailto:[email protected]  "I used to hunt elephants but I   
  \  /    the  \ don't do that anymore.  There aren't enough of them" - Newt
  (--)\   OSU  | Gingrich to Andy Lodge, Theo.Roosevelt Cons. Award winner.

- -- 
Matt Smith - [email protected]
"Nothing travels faster than light, with the possible exception of bad news, 
which follows its own rules." - Douglas Adams, "Mostly Harmless"
Disclaimer:  I came up with these ideas, so they're MINE!

Version: 2.6.2
