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NIST Draft Key Escrow Paper
From: Elaine Frye <[email protected]>
Subject: draft key escrow paper
May 20, 1996
To: Key Escrow Distribution List
From: Ed Roback, NIST
Subject: Release of DRAFT Key Escrow Paper
FYI, today the Interagency Working Group (IWG) on
Cryptography Policy released a DRAFT paper entitled
"Enabling Privacy, Commerce, Security and Public Safety in
the Global Information Infrastructure."
The DRAFT paper discusses a voluntary draft key management
infrastructure, supported by private sector key management
organizations, that would permit users and manufacturers
free choice of encryption algorithms, facilitate
international interoperability, preserve law enforcement
access, and, most importantly, provide strong system
security and integrity. FYI, the paper was released by the
IWG co-chairs Ed Appel (NSC) and Bruce McConnell (OMB).
Comments on the draft paper are being solicited. No
deadline is specified.
At present, I do not have an electronic copy of the draft
(25 pp). Copies are available through the OMB publications
office at 202-395-7332. I anticipate that the document
will soon be available widely on the net and will forward
you a web address when available.
Elaine Frye
Computer Security Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Bldg. 820, M.S. Room 426
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001
Voice: 301/975-2819 Fax: 301/948-1233