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! Theses peoples refuse to register their guns, although it is
! mandatory in canada (to be registered within 7(?) years...)
There has been total firearm registration since 1968.
! > >> >You'll note that the psycho-epistemology necessary to
! > >> >commit murder is quite close to the one necessary to coerce
! > >> >poeples to pay taxes.
You'll note that the psycho-epistemology necessary to
commit murder is quite close to the one necessary to coerce
poeples to pay rent.
! > Not really, only the time in history. Their property was
! > 100% taken, and they were marched to OK from GA. The IRS
! > may be bad...but they aren't THAT bad...[disclaimer: I
! > am (a tiny) part Cherokee.
Consider that many whites feel guilty if they feel they don't have any afro-asian bloodlines.
Consider the dangers of anti-racism to your self-esteem.
! You did not answer my question: When our local Mohawks accuse the
! white peoples to have stolen their land, I ask "when did I do that?
! I can't remember..." I refuse to be held responsible for things that
! were done several hundred years ago. Period. As I said, I *never*,
! not even in my early years, believed in original sin.
Then you hold irresponsible refusals.
! > >Are you talking of an open war a la Bosnia?
! >
! > Hopefully not.
Who can tell how far the anti-racists will go to establish their power cult.
! > and the legitimate self defense
! > options which are peaceful have not been adequately explored. IMO
! > >> Bottom line for me: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
! > >
! > >Please state the basic premise that make you declare what is
! > >"wrong" in the context of AP.
They Always lie on racial issues.
! I am sorry, but I do not accept that as a valid argument. What if
! somebody came to take away your means of feeding your kids?
! What if somebody was menacing you or your kids?
! There are instances, as you seem to agree, when killing is justified.
! What is meant by the sentence is: Thou shalt not initiate lethal
! violence.
! > Taxation is theft, I fail to see your point. Well, depends.
Anti-racism is theft.