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Re: The Crisis with Remailers

From:	IN%"[email protected]"  "Adam Shostack" 21-MAY-1996 15:23:24.24

>Lance Cottrell wrote:

	Oops, I just misremembered your name. Sorry.

>| An interesting problem with anonymous postage is that it is likely to kill
>| cover traffic generators.

>Postage is most needed at the point of delivery.

>That is the node that will be taking the heat/paying the lawyers.  I'd
>operate a remailer if I was never the last node, becuase I don't have
>a site that can take the heat/seizure of machines for me.  If we pay
>those final nodes to do more, than intermediate nodes can still carry
>cover traffic for free.

	One difficulty with this on cover traffic is that one use of it is
to send to dummy addresses, with mail that looks PGP encrypted but is actually
garbage. Perhaps mail received without postage should be replaced with
garbage by the remailer, then sent to a dummy address chosen by the remailer?