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Re: Children's Privacy Act
Excerpts from internet.cypherpunks: 24-May-96 Re: Children's Privacy Act
by "E. ALLEN SMITH"@ocelot.
> I have examined it; I see no reason to change my stated opposition
> to it. Quite simply, it is an invasion of the privacy rights of businesses to
> force them to turn over such information as the law demands they turn
over; it
> is an invasion of the property rights of businesses to mandate what they do
> with the information they have received and consequently own.
>From a strict libertarian standpoint, it may implicate property rights.
I won't argue that.
But I tend to think of my (and individual) privacy rights as ones that
should receive greater attention than a businesses "privacy rights." If
they have mailing list info on me, I'd like to know where they got it.