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Re: nCognito is Dead..
On Sat, 25 May 1996, Ben Holiday wrote:
> Well I have been given my notice to terminate the remailers running at
> this account. Make a note to remove ncognito from your type2.list, and
> those running pingers, please remove nCognito as soon as its convenient.
> Below i've quoted verbatim the request to shutdown that I received. PLEASE
> note that there is no mention of FBI, NSA, or Co$. :) The request is the
> result of some errors that mix generated while I was makeing changes, that
> resulted in the administration at gate.net noticing the remailer. Frankly,
> I cant blame them given the current legal climate.
> Although I would have liked to continute operating the remailers, I must
> admit that I'll sleep better at night now that its gone.
> BTW: Does anyone know of a few ISP's that accept cash and dont require
> verification of your identity? :)
C2 (http://www.c2.org) and I think Cyberpass (http://www.cyberpass.net) both
allow anonymous accounts. There was also a list of offshore ISP's posted a
while ago. I am looking into getting an account on one of these myself.
P.S. For you non-UNIX types, I am currently in the process of writing a program
that will automatically install an anonymous remailer on a UNIX account. It
should be ready for release in the next couple of days.
- -- Mark
[email protected] | finger -l for PGP key 0xe3bf2169
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