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Re: Clipper III analysis

On Wed, 29 May 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:

> At 5:54 AM 5/29/96, jonathon wrote:
> >        A good Questioned Document Examiner will be able to demonstrate
> >        that the signed document in question was not authored by Joe
> >        Blow, even if it contains his digital signature.
> I was of course talking about digital signatures, not handwritten signatures.

	I was also talking about digital signatures. 

	It is a specialty within the QDE Field, but there are a few
	QDE's that are _currently_ doing that.  << Printed hard copy, 
	not electronic copy, but that is the _only_ difference.  >>

> I would be very interested to hear how a "Questioned Document Examiner" can

	It is at the point where statistics, textual analysis, grammar
	and lingustics converge.  

> possibly determine that a digital signature was not applied by a particular
> person.

	I don't remember the minimum number of characters that are needed
	to establish that a document was written by a specific individual.
	Roughly fifteen pages of text that both sides admit as being 
	authentic is required for the undisputed exemplars.

	The actual work is not that difficult, just time consuming. 


        [email protected]

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