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Re: [Off-Topic] "Curfews"

Quoted text originated from [email protected]


At 07.45 PM 6/1/96 -0700, you wrote:

>Personally, I liked my "religious exemption" example. The Baal worshippers
>can claim that they are engaging in their religion by grokking the
>darkness. If picked up and held, they can claim they are "being held
>without Baal."

Isn't that a little far afield to go for a pun? :)

>Most of the ordinances, including the one here, specifically state that
>"blanket permission" by parents is not acceptable. They want _specific_
>reasons for being out after curfew.

"To whom it may concern:
My son, David Rosoff, is out of our house on this June 3, 1996, Monday night,
to party with friends, cruise Central Avenue, and partake of the spores that
grow of the earth.


A. Parent"

>(It's this taking control from both the kids and their parents and putting
>it in the hands of cops that really bugs me.)

"Me too." (Standard non-AOL disclaimer applies.)

>By the way, if being out after curfew is breaking the law, can I make a
>"citizen's arrest" of some of those nice young chicas in Watsonville?

No comment. :) Really.

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David Rosoff (nihongo o chiisaku dekimasu)                  [email protected]
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"Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will / To strive, to seek, to find--
and not to yield." ----- "Ulysses", by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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