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Re: CWD: "Jacking in from the "One that Got Away" Port (fwd)

>(By Brock Meeks / [email protected] / Archived at http://www.cyberwerks.com/)
> CyberWire Dispatch // Copyright (c) 1996 //
> Jacking in from the "One that Got Away" Port:
> Washington, DC -- President Clinton call your spooks, get FBI Director
> Louis Freeh on the phone.   Tell them to order in pizza.  Bill, it's
> going to be a long night.   All your plans to hold the U.S. crypto
> market hostage have just been fucked... and you didn't even get kissed.
> A virtual tactical nuke was hurled into the arcane subculture of
> encryption technology Monday when RSA President Jim Bizdos revealed
> that his company's Japanese subsidiary had developed a monster chipset
> capable of scrambling voice and data real time with a so-called "key
> length" of up to 1024 bits.


        you have probably heard by now -- this is wrong.

        The chip set was developed by a subsidiary of NTT called NEL.
That's much worse, of course, than if it had been an RSA subsidiary.

 - Carl

|Carl M. Ellison          [email protected]   http://www.clark.net/pub/cme |
|CyberCash, Inc.                              http://www.cybercash.com/    |
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