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DCSB Cocktails Over Back Bay

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Date: 6 Jun 96 10:13:48 EDT
From: "Julie Rackliffe" <[email protected]>
Subject: DCSB Cocktails Over Back Bay
To: "dcsb" <[email protected]>
Sender: [email protected]
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: "Julie Rackliffe" <[email protected]>


As those who attended yesterday's lunch already know, We Have A Date!

I am simply delighted to announce that Open Software Foundation has generously
agreed to sponsor our first ever cocktail party for the Digital Commerce
of Boston. I promises to be a memorable evening and I hope that you will
plan to
come, and please feel free to introduce a friend to this unique group. Our
intention is that this event should be used as a networking opportunity in
addition to getting some more people interested in DCSB (and, of course,
expanding our mailing list!)

So, here's the specifics:

When:	Thursday, June 20, 1996
	5-8 pm

Where: 	The Harvard Club, One Federal Street, 38th floor
	in The Lounge (sunset over the Back Bay will be featured!)

	Hot and Cold Hors D'oeuvres ala The Harvard Club
	and cool libations compliments of OSF and DCSB.

What's the Catch?- No Catch! Just RSVP to me before June 17

Do Come!

Julie Rackliffe					The Computer Museum
Annual Fund/Membership Manager			300 Congress St, Boston 02210
[email protected]  				617.426.2800 X432
The Walk-Through Computer 2000 is open! This is a "must see"!
Museum Membership:SR/STU $25...IND $35...FAM $50...NON-PROFIT $250...LIB $500
Web Site: http://www.tcm.org

To unsubscribe from this list, send a letter to: [email protected]
In the body of the message, write:  unsubscribe dcsb
Or, to subscribe,           write:  subscribe dcsb
If you have questions, write to me at [email protected]

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Robert Hettinga ([email protected])
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"If they could 'just pass a few more laws',
  we would all be criminals."    --Vinnie Moscaritolo
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