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<<Vitamin B>> (June 6, 1996) Reality Check

Speak of the devil...

Bob Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

To: DAILY DOSE <[email protected]>
From: VitaminB <[email protected]>
Date:  6 Jun 96 20:31:04
Subject: <<Vitamin B>> (June 6, 1996) Reality Check
Mime-Version: 1.0

Vitamin B:
                   Your Daily Dose of Bionomics

                                           June 6, 1996

Reality Check

Everyone knows that you can't predict the future.
The question is: Can traditional economics understand
the present?

Not too many years ago, on the eve of the collapse
of the Soviet Union, the leading economics textbook
had this to say:

"The Soviet economy is proof that, contrary to what
many skeptics had earlier believed, a
socialist command economy can function and
even thrive."

                      -- Paul A. Samuelson, Professor emeritus, MIT
                       (in Samuelson & Nordhaus, Economics, 1989)

We wonder what "conventional wisdom" of 1996
will prove to be as, ummm, quotable in the not too
distant future.

--- end forwarded text

Robert Hettinga ([email protected])
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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  we would all be criminals."    --Vinnie Moscaritolo
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