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Re: Anonymous stock trades.

At 1:15 AM -0400 6/9/96, [email protected] wrote:
>> Brand [the whales] and herd them like open range cattle:  The west did not
>> need a government to do that, though they did need to hang a few
>> folk who favored a different method of open ranging.

At 09:02 AM 6/9/96 -0400, Robert Hettinga wrote:
> Ah. Transponders. Could blind-sign 'em. Maritime specific-identity
> accounting. Trade 'em on the open market. Actual anonymous er, stock,
> ownership? Whale-meat futures on the hoof, er, fin?

Thanks for this clarification:  I fear my post had a lot of people thinking
of whalers sitting around a sagebrush campfire heating extremely large irons 
red hot.  Really large irons.

Really, really, really large irons.  And a really big sagebrush campfire.
We have the right to defend ourselves	|   http://www.jim.com/jamesd/
and our property, because of the kind	|  
of animals that we are. True law	|   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the	|  
arbitrary power of the state.		|   [email protected]