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Re: Anonymous computer contractors
At 01:24 PM 6/9/96 -0500, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
>Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
>[we were discussing jimbell's assassination clearinghouse - Igor]
>> > Maybe your hint really makes sense and after initial depopulation the
>> > citizens will use different, more considerate, ways of dealing with each
>> > other.
>> I think it would take very few 'depopulation' incidents to improve manners.
>> Humans, like rats, are very good at learning from others' mistakes.
>Alright, but since quite a few people have quite a few present enemies,
>the depopulation may be severe enough.
I disagree. While each of us may arguably have a number of enemies, if our
lists were compared I think most of those enemies can be located in a
relatively tiny group of people, most of whom exercise government authority.
Eliminate them, and a relatively small number of criminals, and it'll be a
rather safe and pleasant society.
> The only hope is that the assassin market will become tight.
I think that the _need_ will drop long before the supply of potential
assassins will. Resignations will occur, and criminals will straighten up quickly.
Jim Bell
[email protected]