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[NOISE] "Fascism is corporatism"

At 12:44 AM 6/9/96 -0700, Rich Graves wrote:
> All you're doing is blathering on with some
> anti-intellectual lumpenlibertarian claptrap that tries to smear anything
> you disagree with as tantamount to fascism. 
> [...]
> Heidegger only really supported Nazism from 1933-34; in the 40's and
> thereafter, he referred to Nazism as a disease.
> [...]
> any attempt to smear them as a bunch of Nazis is ludicrous
> [...]
> Your foaming-mouth projections on people who disagree with you are 
> laughable.

During the war Heidegger wore full Nazi regalia, and compelled his students to 
participate in fascist rallies which he led.   He consistently claimed that his
philosophy led logically to fascism.  See "A normal Nazi" by Thomas Sheehan,
in the New York Review of Books, early 1993.  Also in the same journal see a 
dozen of the leading lights of the academic left enthusiastically supporting 
a murderous Nazi and the ideas that he loudly proclaimed were fascist ideas.

You revised history in favor of a couple of fascist philosophers, one 
of whom sent one of his former teacher to one of Hitler's concentration 
camps. See the following URLs for the real history.

You also revised history in favor of a system of ideas that has in the past 
been used to justify and organize the deaths of millions of people, and
which has recently in America been used to justify and organize mild but 
widespread repression, (including the PC laws that you recently denied 
existed), the system of ideas that many people reasonably argue has been
recently been used to justify and organize the narrowly focused severe 
repression, including government murder of women and children, that we 
have recently seen in America (which you recently denied was the intended
outcome of government policy).

And *you* are calling *me* an extremist.
We have the right to defend ourselves	|   http://www.jim.com/jamesd/
and our property, because of the kind	|  
of animals that we are. True law	|   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the	|  
arbitrary power of the state.		|   [email protected]