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On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> snow <[email protected]> writes:
> ...
> > 	It is almost ridicoulously simple to kill someone in a relatively
> > untraceable fashion. Any person of average intelligence can do a little
> > research (say about 3 hours at a decent (non-chicago) library) and spend
> > an hour or two in thought and come up with a way to target a non- to
> > moderately public figure with out getting caught.
> > 	I can give you 4 right off the top of my head that have a
> > reasonable chance of sucess, and very little chance of discovery.
> Please do - thank you.
> With purely academic interest,

	These methods assume a reasonable amount of stealth and
intelligence on the part of the murder, meaning things like choosing the
appropriate time of day to carry out the attack. Also notice that some of
these methods cause more "collateral" damage than others. These are also
not particluarly suited to a highly placed political victim. Those (as
noted) take more work.

	Remember AT ALL TIMES That you MUST be worried about forensic
evidence. Hair, skin, finger prints, blood etc. TAKE PRECAUTIONS. 

	Also note that I have never tried any of these, nor has anyone I
know--at least to my knowlege. They seem like they would work, but are
not, of course, guarenteed to work. 

	Some generic advise that generally applies in all circumstances:
	1) Get scruffy before hand if possible. Don't shave or wash/comb
your hair or bush your teeth. Wear _decent_ clothes aquired from a second
hand store in colors you don't normally wear (don't deliberately clash,
it is too obvious). If you normally wear shoes, wear boots and vice versa.
Of course dispose of the clothing as soon as possible after the event, and
clean yourself up to whatever is normal for you. Don't bother growning a
beard, it takes too long, and it's sudden appearance and removal could be
	1) Wire/tape 6 to 8 large cans of hair spray around the tail pipe
ofvictims car. This assumes 3 things-- 1) Victim drives, 2) You have access
to Victims car (best time is around 4 or 5 in the morning) 3) You are sure
that the victim will be in the car. Most hairspray is at least somewhat
flamable, and when heated by a tail pipe will go off like a bomb.
Thourghly clean the cans before hand to remove any possible remaining
prints and/or other forensic evidence.
	This works best in a suburb or a rural area where a) people are
less likely to be out and about at night, and b) are more likely to own
and regularly use an automobile. 

	2) Aquire a .22 caliber air pistol, clean thoroughly. Get a cigar
and boil it down to get a small amount of "pure" nicoteen. This is a
decently potent poison. Pack a portion of this into the cup end of a
pellet. Wear latex gloves On a busy street approach your victim from
behind as he/she is walking. Shoot him/her (expose the pellet gun as
little as possible. Keep walking steadily. Randomly turn corners, dropping
the gun in the trash at the first opportunity. Gloves a couple of blocks
	This would work best in a LARGE city. I don't know if you can get
a guarenteed lethal dose of nicoteen into that cup, but you could
substitute a more lethal poison at a risk of more tracability.
	This assumes that there are no cops in the immediate area. It
works on the idea that the small sound of a pellet gun going off will be
lost in the general traffic noise, and that people will be more attentive
to the victim than to random people.

	3) This one is definately NOT for the squemish, or the weak. If
the victim lives alone, or is likely to be alone at home for a length of
time, enter the home. Kill the victim using some sort of poison or other
bloodless method (strangulation, breaking the neck etc)  Carry the body to
the bathroom and drain as much blood from the body as possible. This may
take a while, so use the time to strip as much flesh from the bones as
possible, being careful NOT to mess up the place any more than necessary,
as you will have to clean it. 
	If the victim has a garbage disposal, run as much of the flesh
down it as possible. When as much blood and flesh has been disoposed of as
possible, put the rest in small trash bags. Wash _everything_ as much as
possible. Put these trash bags into a second set of trash bags. Put these
trash bags into used military duffel bags purchased (one at a time) at
different military surplus stores. If you have been able to get most of
the flesh off, it would take much, and with most of the blood gone, the
weight will be gone, so you should be able to carry the rest of the body
off. Deposit the different body parts around the city/state in random
dumpsters etc. The wider you spread the parts the better.

	4) Turn your victim into the BAFT as the leader of an "End time"
right wing gun owning Cult preaching tax evasion & armed revolt against
the Zionist occupation government.
	Ok, I could think of 4 last night, but one slipped my mind

	Before anyone kicks off into my ass about this, for four years of
my life I was paid to be prepared to kill at any time, and boredom can
lead to some very strange conversations.  

Petro, Christopher C.
[email protected] <prefered for any non-list stuff>
[email protected]